LGG 유산균 효능 및 가격, 추천 총정리 LGG lactobacillus efficacy and price, summary of recommendations

6 Benefits and Side Effects of LGG Lactic Acid Bacteria
LGG 유산균 효능
LGG Lactobacillus is one of the probiotics and is a natural appetite suppressant that suppresses appetite. These lactobacilli are beneficial bacteria that have various effects such as weight control, improvement of intestinal health, improvement of skin, and enhancement of immunity. Today, we will learn more about LGG lactobacillus.LGG 유산균 효능

LGG Lactobacillus
LGG lactic acid bacteria (Lactobacillus rhamnosus) is a type of beneficial probiotics that can remove harmful bacteria in the body and reach the intestines smoothly. It is well known that In addition, LGG lactic acid bacteria have strong vitality in the acidity, so they can survive and endure the acidity of the stomach and reach the intestines. In addition, since LGG lactic acid bacteria have very strong protein hairs, they are said to have the advantage of adhering to the tissue surface, increasing adhesion in the small intestine and properly settling in the intestine. Therefore, LGG lactic acid bacteria are characterized by acid resistance, survive in stomach acid, enter the small intestine, settle well in the intestine, and are said to be effective lactic acid bacteria to help intestinal function.


This lactic acid bacteria not only activates the intestines, but also promotes intestinal health, which is responsible for about 70% of the body’s immunity, improves immunity, prevents allergies and other infectious diseases, and is said to be effective in diet and skin care. In addition, the role of probiotics such as LGG lactobacillus increases the number of beneficial bacteria in the large intestine, activates intestinal function, treats constipation, and helps to remove residual toxins in the body. However, consuming too much can cause flatulence, abdominal pain and diarrhea. Therefore, when taking prebiotics and other probiotics, such as LGG probiotics, it is best to take them after meals. However, if you take it on an empty stomach, drinking plenty of water is helpful.

Efficacy of LGG lactobacillus 1.

“diet effect”

There are many people who think that the cause of diet failure is usually due to inability to control the amount of food eaten, failure to lose weight through exercise, or innate constitution. However, in fact, it is said that diet has a lot of influence on intestinal lactic acid bacteria. If there are more harmful bacteria than beneficial bacteria in the intestines, so-called harmful bacteria that cause obesity will increase. These harmful bacteria (harmful bacteria) are called Firmicutes, and this is because these harmful bacteria suppress leptin, a hormone that can increase appetite, suppress satiety, and suppress overeating. In fact, studies in obese people have reported that more than 90% of people have these harmful bacteria in their gut. Therefore, LGG lactobacillus suppresses harmful bacteria that cause obesity and increases beneficial microorganisms to promote the secretion of leptin (hormone that suppresses appetite), which is said to be effective in dieting. It is also said to have a weight loss effect by helping to reduce visceral and subcutaneous fat.

Efficacy of LGG lactobacillus 2.

‘Appetite suppressant effect’


In fact, a report published in a study of obese people reported that about 90% of obese people actually have harmful bacteria in their intestines. LGG lactobacillus increases beneficial bacteria to help reduce visceral fat and subcutaneous fat, which is said to be effective for weight loss. Therefore, LGG lactic acid bacteria are said to be effective in weight loss by helping to reduce visceral fat and subcutaneous fat.

Efficacy of LGG lactobacillus 3.

‘Effect of improving colon health’


Because LGG lactic acid bacteria are highly acid-resistant, they have a very high survival rate in the stomach and are said to have a good effect on the large intestine. According to several reports, LGG lactobacillus is effective in preventing and improving irritable bowel syndrome, which can cause various functional disorders such as constipation, abdominal pain, and bloating due to excessive contraction of the large intestine muscles.

Efficacy of LGG lactobacillus 4.

‘Intestinal health promotion effect’

We know that more than 70% of immune cells are in the gut. After all, gut health is very important because it can boost your immune system, and when your gut isn’t functioning properly, accumulated waste products don’t get out of your body, leading to the accumulation of toxins, which in turn can cause inflammation in your body. As a result, harmful symptoms such as abdominal distension, abdominal pain, and constipation may appear, and at worst, severe irritable bowel syndrome may appear. LGG lactobacillus can prevent and improve these symptoms in advance. The cilia of LGG lactobacilli increase beneficial bacteria, inhibit the production and activity of harmful bacteria, support and enhance intestinal health, which in turn increases stool volume, softens stools, improves constipation and promotes bowel movement.

Efficacy of LGG lactobacillus 5.

“Immune boosting effect”


More than 70% of the body’s immune cells live in the intestines. This means gut health is very important to your overall health. If there are more harmful bacteria than beneficial bacteria in the intestine, it is said that the balance in the intestine is broken, the immunity is lowered, inflammation is caused, and various diseases are bound to occur. LGG lactobacillus has excellent antibacterial effect, so it can effectively prevent diseases that can be exposed to bacteria and viruses by increasing beneficial bacteria in the intestines, suppressing harmful bacteria, improving overall intestinal health, and strengthening immunity.

Efficacy of LGG lactobacillus 6.

‘Skin health promotion effect’


LGG lactobacillus is said to be beneficial for promoting skin health. LGG lactobacillus is a beneficial bacterium that activates the intestines, improves immune regulation, helps improve skin and immunity, and is said to be effective in preventing various skin diseases including atopic skin and allergies. In addition, LGG lactobacillus provides excellent moisturizing just by ingestion, and is also effective in soothing the skin, reducing irritation, and keeping the skin moist.

LGG lactobacillus has no side effects and its safety has been sufficiently proven, so it can be easily purchased and consumed in the market. However, excessive consumption can cause side effects such as flatulence, abdominal pain, gas, and diarrhea, so it is best to consume it in moderation. For reference, LGG probiotics are said to be best taken after meals, not on an empty stomach.