msi 서비스센터 및 전화번호 msi service center and phone number

MSI Service Center Location Business Hours Information

msi 서비스센터

msi 서비스센터

I think each person will have their own preferred laptop specifications and brand. Personally, when I choose a laptop, I usually prefer a gaming computer regardless of whether it will be used for office work, gaming, or video editing. First of all, since it is high-performance, the battery will drain quickly, and the battery pack that charges it must also have a large capacity, so it will be on the heavy side. Even considering that I have to carry all of this around, I tend to prefer a gaming laptop.




The laptop I mainly used was Gigabyte. However, for the past 3 years, I have been using only MSI gaming laptops. Even people who want high performance are likely to be reluctant to purchase it if the price is high. There are many inexpensive yet high-performance laptops from Gigabyte, Lenovo, and Asus.




Among them, MSI sells products that are truly highly efficient for the price. It does not mean to refer to a specific product, and all gaming laptops released are said to be cost-effective. It is very popular among domestic users and has a large fan base, but one thing that is disappointing is that there is only one MSI service center in Seoul. In this post, we will help you solve some of the inconveniences in use by providing various information such as MSI service center location, business hours, and delivery-related information.

msi service center location
First, to check the location of the service center, search for MSI Korea on the search portal and then access the homepage below.




※. The msi Korea website provides product introduction, parts introduction, community, events and news to users, and also receives various component inquiries and after-sales service inquiries.




The image below is the image that appears when you access the homepage. If you look at the bottom center of the screen, you will see the phrase “Laptop Service Center A/S Information”. Please click here.




Then, click the Laptop After Service Center location information button in the top category as shown in the image below.




If you scroll down, you will see a map. The address is Room 203, 2nd floor, Building 15, Rajin Shopping Center, 112 Cheongpa-ro, Yongsan-gu, Seoul (Old address: 3-23, Hangang-ro 3-ga). There is also a customer service phone number listed.



Those coming by public transportation can come out of Exit 3 of Yongsan Station on Line 1 and then go through the terminal shopping mall to the opposite side of Nonghyup Hanaro Club. Those using Line 4 can come out of Exit 5 of Shinyongsan Station and continue along the Shinyongsan Underpass. When you come down, you will find the MSI Service Center.




For those using their own car, there is a separate parking lot in Rajin 15-dong. The service center is on the second floor of that building.



msi courier service
Details regarding the courier service are as follows.


– Free freight support for one year from the date of purchase (only applicable to CJ Courier, not available to convenience store CJ Courier)

– If it arrives using a means of transportation other than a courier service, it will not be accepted and will be returned immediately.

– Service is provided based on the finished product, and if only parts are sent individually, they will be returned (RAM, HDD, battery, power cable, etc.)

– Even if it is within 1 year from the date of purchase, if it is determined that the fault was due to consumer carelessness, the customer will be responsible for the round-trip fare.


– Even if the purchase date is within 1 year, if there are signs of disassembly or modification of the finished product, the customer will be responsible for round-trip shipping costs.

– Even if the wrong product is sent, the customer is responsible for round-trip shipping costs.

– MSI is not responsible for any damage or loss that occurs during delivery.


Courier service used: CJ

Information: Name, contact information, home address, product abnormality symptoms

Address: msi-korea customer support center, room 203, 2nd floor, building 15, Rajin Shopping Center, 112 Cheongpa-ro, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, zip code 04371



msi service center business hours
Weekdays 09:30AM ~ 05:00PM (Closed on public holidays and weekends)

Lunch time 12:30~13:30PM


Yes, we have looked at the MSI service center location, business hours, delivery-related information, etc. in detail. If you are curious about more details, please access the site as described above and search for information.


It’s a shame that there is only one service center in Seoul, but the performance and cost-effectiveness seem to be truly top-notch as it has a large fan base. If you are visiting in person, please avoid lunch time.