국민은행 이체확인증 Saving and printing from the Kookmin Bank transfer confirmation app

Kookmin Bank’s personal transfer confirmation printing method is always confusing, so I will share it with others. ​ log in first ​ At the top, go to Transfer > Transfer Result > Account Transfer Result ​ Set the account number and search period and click [Search]. ​ When the relevant transfer details appear at the … Read more

주휴수당 Weekly Holiday Allowance Payment Standard

Weekly holiday allowance is a paid weekly holiday given to workers who have fulfilled the prescribed number of working days in one week, 주휴수당 meaning that they receive an additional day’s wages. In addition to general workers, the following will guide you on how to calculate the weekly holiday allowance, including daily and part-time workers. … Read more

마이크로소프트 팀즈 삭제 [Computer] Uninstall Microsoft Teams

If you’re used to the fact that this app from Microsoft Team brings everything into your life, the power of Microsoft 365 is at the heart of collaboration—all conversations, discussions, meetings, calls, and comfortable teamwork. , application and industry professionals combine workspaces. However, if you no longer need Microsoft Team or your system is running … Read more

청춘대로 톡톡카드 KB Kookmin Youth Avenue Tok Talk Card Benefits Annual Fee

In the first place, I haven’t been blogging diligently for over a year, but lately I’ve been posting less and less. As Corona 19 became widespread, I started doing various indoor hobbies, but there are some materials that will be uploaded to the hobby category soon. ​ The topic for today’s post was actually about … Read more

근로소득원천징수영수증 발급 issuing the earned income source collection receipt

Issuance of earned income source collection receipt When you need a source of earned income receipt, you usually need it for the purpose of getting a loan. In addition, health insurance certificates are often required Fortunately You can access the site and get it issued on the Internet and print it out For those of … Read more

해외주식 양도소득세 신고 방법 How to report and pay foreign stock capital gains tax (2022)

The details of overseas stock capital gains tax were discussed a lot last year, but since I was on a trip in early May of this year, I only filed a capital gains tax return now. The system was the same as last year, but my reporting method is slightly different from last year, so … Read more

아이폰 html 파일 열기 Open html file for iPhone and iPad secure mail

hello. Life level up! This is an informative blog 😀 Today we will learn a simple way to open an HTML file, HTML is one of the languages ​​for creating web documents, and you may have seen that the file extension of web documents is .html. For example, files with the filename index.html . ▨ … Read more

KB모바일인증서 발급 How to issue KB mobile certificate

Year-end settlement, also called March salary, attributable year-end settlement started on the 15th. In particular, there are many changes this year, such as a sharp increase in the credit card income deduction rate in the aftermath of COVID-19. Here’s how to easily make year-end tax settlement with KB mobile certificate and how to get KB … Read more