T라이트 NU 우리카드 NEW SKT What are the advantages and disadvantages of Woori Card? (T light installment)

Let’s use Baemin, YouTube Premium, electricity/city gas bills, Samsung Pay, and Kakao Pay. Link below for details!
(4000 won * 12 months = 48000 won. The annual fee is drawn and left over.
I bought a Sheriff TV at Hi-Mart, but the Hana Card had a lot of discounts, so I hurriedly made a Hana Card. make it quick…
Shinhan Card?? not received yet
Annual fee 22,000 won / Create 2 months, spend 1 million won, cancel after 7 months (let’s cancel on 22.04) A card that I had to make while buying home appliances at LG Best Shop… seems to be able After writing this, you go to the closet. Don’t forget to cancel in April.
Hyundai Card M Edition2 T라이트 NU 우리카드
Annual fee Domestic 15,000 won VISA, MasterCard 20,000 won / Minimum performance 500,000 won. Stop even if you don’t fill it up.
Originally used only one credit card. It was just perfect to write without thinking because everything was accumulated as M-points.
But this card is now gone.

T라이트 NU 우리카드
I was going to cancel it, but there are many things to use here and there if Hyundai Card is secretly difficult to deal with 100,000 M points.
(In fact, this summer, I got a discount on Paseco window air conditioner with my Hyundai card, and I got a 7-month interest-free installment for my mattress…) In addition, PRIVA was also quite useful when I was traveling. 이베이스매뉴얼
Hyundai Card Diners Mileage
Annual fee 50,000 won / No minimum performance

A card for going to the lounge. With lounge benefits, you can get 50,000 won in annual membership fee.
Unless it’s Corona…
It hasn’t been issued anymore, so I’m maintaining it, but this makes me cry ㅠㅠ
It was a Hyeja card that even made a family card..

1st place: Woori Card (300,000 won)
Priorities have changed. From 300,000 won to Woori Card linked to Judam University.
-Starbucks, public transportation, apartment management fees (judamdae discount)-

2nd place: Samsung Card (400,000 won)
17,000 won discount per month for 400,000 won.

3rd place: Hana Card (200,000 won)
-Baemin, YouTube Premium, various payments-

4th place: Hyundai Card (500,000 won)
-If you spend a lot of money and fill up the above card performance-

5th priority: Shinhan Card (used for 2 months, canceled after 7 months)

Total annual fee: 139,000 won…(?)…