카카오톡 친구삭제 KakaoTalk 2 ways to delete friends, recover deleted friends

카카오톡 친구삭제Many people get into trouble because they don’t contact or don’t know, but they press add friend button and can’t find the delete friend function. You can do it. In this article, we will learn how to delete KakaoTalk friends and explain how to restore deleted friends. First of all, to delete a friend, … Read more

카카오톡 친구삭제 How to delete KakaoTalk (KakaoTalk) friends, is it possible to delete them in bulk?

카카오톡 친구삭제intellectual question I went through the same thing a few years ago when I gave my iPad to my mom. I did not delete the address book I used, but logged in with my mother’s account, and hundreds of my friends were registered in my mother’s friend list. At that time, I looked for … Read more