건강보험 환급 “Average of 1.35 million won per person”…Get a health insurance premium refund – withnews

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Home » “Average of 1.35 million won per person”..Get a health insurance premium refund
Recently, the Ministry of Health and Welfare announced that it would implement a health insurance premium refund system. Each year, the maximum out-of-pocket amount for individual health insurance is determined, and any amount that exceeds the maximum amount is refunded.
The out-of-pocket cap system is a system in which the National Health Insurance Corporation returns the excess amount to the subscriber and dependents when the total annual out-of-pocket cost exceeds the individual cap amount in order to prevent excessive medical expenses.
The refund amount this time is 2.2471 trillion won, with an average of 1.35 million won per person, and a total of 1.66 million people are receiving the benefit regardless of income criteria.
In fact, Mr. A, who lives in Hongcheon-gun, Gangwon-do, received a refund of 39.19 million won, the excess amount, out of the 40 million won in medical expenses incurred after treatment last year, and Mr. B received a refund of 1.35 million won out of the 2.87 million won paid.
According to the Ministry of Health and Welfare, refunds were paid to 177,834 people who exceeded the maximum out-of-pocket amount of KRW 5.82 million, out of a total of 1.66 million people, but the remaining 1.48 million people, worth KRW 1.7 trillion, will be refunded upon individual application.
Therefore, those who are among the 1.48 million people can request the National Health Insurance Corporation to return the refund to their account via phone, fax, mail, or internet.
Please refer to the instructions below for how to apply online and follow them sequentially.

건강보험 환급
