건강보험료 환급 신청방법(본인부담금 환급) How to apply for health insurance premium refund (refund of out-of-pocket expenses)

If you had a lot of medical expenses last year in 2021, you may be eligible for a health insurance premium refund. I checked the 2022 health insurance premium refund inquiry, application, and payment date at the National Health Insurance Corporation to see if I can receive a refund for the excess amount of health insurance premium by inquiring about the health insurance premium refund.

건강보험료 환급

건강보험료 환급

2023 health insurance premium refund application method, inquiry, period, payment date information

Check, apply, and pay the 2022 health insurance premium refund
National Health Insurance Corporation health insurance premium refund
Maximum amount of out-of-pocket expenses as of 2021
Health insurance premium refund inquiry
Apply for health insurance premium refund
Health insurance premium refund payment date

1. National Health Insurance Corporation health insurance premium refund

There are five reasons why the National Health Insurance Corporation (www.nhis.or.kr) refunds health insurance premiums.

Exceeding the maximum amount of out-of-pocket expenses
Retroactive adjustment of insurance premiums due to double or error
Other collections refund
Non-payment of insurance premiums, cancellation of advance payment restrictions, refund of the corporation’s contribution
Subsidy for the difference in portion of drug costs (patients with severe illness, etc.)
Among them, the refund exceeding the out-of-pocket limit is also called the ‘health insurance premium out-of-pocket cap system’.

The out-of-pocket cap system is a system that refunds the subscriber and dependents for the excess amount if the total amount of out-of-pocket expenses used between January 1 and December 31 of the previous year exceeds the upper limit for each income bracket determined by health insurance premium settlement.

Check, apply, and pay payment date for 2022 health insurance premium refund (National Health Insurance Corporation)
Out-of-pocket expenses refer to medical expenses borne by the patient, excluding non-coverage and selected benefits.


7 types of medical benefit benefits, types, target criteria (difference between type 1 and type 2, obligor of support)




2. Maximum amount of out-of-pocket expenses as of 2021
The maximum amount of out-of-pocket expenses varies depending on your income level.

The upper limit on out-of-pocket expenses applied for and paid in 2022 is based on the income bracket and upper limit for 2021.


[2021 Out-of-Pocket Maximum]

Year 1st quintile 2nd to 3rd quartile 4th to 5th quintile 6th to 7th quintile 8th quintile 9th 10th quintile
2021 810,000 won 1.01 million won 1.52 million won 2.82 million won 3.52 million won 4.33 million won 5.84 million won
nursing hospital
(Exceeding 120 days) 1.25 million won 1.57 million won 2.12 million won
The out-of-pocket maximum application period is from January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021, based on the date of treatment.


2023 Out-of-pocket cap system post-refund application, payment date target search



[Health insurance premiums by income bracket as of 2021]

Income group Out-of-pocket maximum amount Employee subscriber Local subscriber
Income 1st decile: 810,000 won
(1.25 million won) 51,100 won or less 11,220 won or less
Income 2nd and 3rd quintiles
1.01 million won
(1.57 million won) 51,100 ~ 70,000 won or less
11~220~22,170 won
Income 4th and 5th quintiles
1.52 million won
(2.12 million won) 70,000 won~94,480 won
22,170 won~61,490 won
Income 6th and 7th quintiles
2.82 million won 94,480 won ~ 136,490 won
61,490 won~122,360 won
Income 8th quintile 3.52 million won 136,490 won ~ 172,480 won
122,360 won~169,610 won
Income 9th percentile 4.33 million won 172,480 won ~ 235,970 won
169,610 won~246,970 won
Income decile 5.84 million won Exceeding 235,970 won Exceeding 246,970 won

Maximum amount of out-of-pocket expenses as of 2021
This is the income quintile standard based on health insurance premiums paid by employed and local subscribers in 2021.


2023 Health insurance out-of-pocket limit, post-refund limit confirmed (income bracket)




3. Health insurance premium refund inquiry
You can check whether you are eligible for the 2022 out-of-pocket cap post-mortem refund on the National Health Insurance Service website (https://www.nhis.or.kr/).



[National Health Insurance]

Health insurance premium refund inquiry
After logging in to the website, verify your identity, and click [Refund Inquiry/Application] in [Customized Menu for Each Visitor].

If you are eligible for a payment exceeding the out-of-pocket limit from the previous year, you can apply for a refund by receiving the notice and application form sequentially sent to you.


7 items not covered by National Health Insurance (medical insurance)



4. Application for health insurance premium refund

Apply for health insurance premium refund
If there is an amount to be refunded in the refund inquiry/application, the refund type, claimable period, and amount are displayed.

Select the refund amount and click [Apply]. After that, you can enter the account in your name and apply for a refund.

Alternatively, you can request a refund to an account in your name by phone (1577-1000), fax, mail, or online.


How to apply for advance benefit under the out-of-pocket limit system (for those subject to standard restrictions)

Apply for health insurance premium refund
You can check the status of your health insurance premium refund application at [Personal Complaint] – [Refund (subsidy) Inquiry/Application] – [Refund (subsidy) Application Details Inquiry].

Apply for health insurance premium refund
If you click [Shortcut] on the relevant refund, you can check the refund application details and payment date as shown above.




5. Date of payment of health insurance premium refund
The timing of health insurance premium refund payment varies depending on the type of refund. However, if you are eligible for a health insurance premium refund from the previous year, you will usually be notified that you are eligible for a refund at the end of August.

If you are notified that you are eligible for a refund, you can apply for a refund and you will receive the refund sequentially from the end of August to September.

In the case of 2021, the 2020 out-of-pocket cap system refund was notified starting August 23, and the remittance to the account was completed within 7 days after the application submission date.