공복혈당 정상수치 Methods for determining fasting blood glucose levels and postprandial blood glucose levels

공복혈당 정상수치



Today, we summarized how to check the normal level of fasting blood sugar and the normal level of blood sugar within 2 hours after meals.If you know the criteria, you will be able to determine what my test results are, and since you often measure and record them by yourself, it will be very helpful to know your normal blood sugar level.


Why is blood sugar level important?


The reason why normal blood sugar levels are important is because they are an indicator of diabetes.Diabetes is a symptom of a mixture of sugar in urine and is evidence that the body’s nutrients are not properly absorbed.That way, our bodies will become weaker and our immunity will decrease.There is only one cause of diabetes, but it is the same that blood sugar should be controlled.



In short, diabetes has other living factors such as diet problems, obesity, insulin secretion abnormalities, lack of exercise, and stress in addition to genetic causes.In particular, the number of diabetic patients is increasing a lot due to diet and obesity.



As of 2018, there was a saying that 20% of adults were diabetic.I think there are more now.This is because delivery food has become more active and lack of exercise is a prevalent social phenomenon.In addition, the number of diabetic patients seems to increase due to aging in the age group.


Therefore, treatments for diabetes are being developed and blood sugar measurement methods are improving.It’s not just because you take medicine well, but proper diet management and treatment should be performed at the same time.Above all, it is important to keep blood sugar normal by measuring blood sugar levels every time.


The normal fasting blood sugar level is based on more than 8 hours on an empty stomach, and it is said to be normal if it is less than 100 mg/dL.Beyond this, up to 125 mg/dL is considered an fasting blood glucose disorder, and it is said that diabetes is to pass it.Even if fasting blood sugar exceeds the standard, it is said that it will be tested again, so it seems to have taken into account the measurement error.


Diabetes checks not only fasting blood sugar but also blood sugar after meals, and normal blood sugar levels are measured after glucose is consumed.Patients and pregnant women who are tested for diabetes also have the opportunity to take glucose.Take about 75 grams of glucose and measure it after 2 hours.The normal level is less than 140 mg/dL, and if it exceeds 199 mg/dL, it is considered a sugar tolerance disorder and is tested again.If you exceed 200, you will develop diabetes.


A single blood glucose test should not determine whether it is diabetes or not, and even if you do it at home, it is important to measure it several times repeatedly.There are many ways to maintain normal blood sugar levels to prevent diabetes, and I think the most important thing is eating habits.Except for genetic factors, diabetes is a disease caused by lifestyle, so eating is particularly important and next is exercise.



There are easy ways to lower blood sugar for those who are about to take a diabetes test.It is said that you can pay attention to these things so that they do not measure incorrectly.




1. Get enough sleep

Did you know that sleep deprivation affects blood sugar levels?It is said that it is better to get enough sleep for more than six hours a day, otherwise your ability to break down glucose will decrease.Therefore, it is better to maintain good sleep.


2. Refrain from drinking water before the examination.


normal fasting blood sugar level
Drinking water turns our bodies into awake states.Therefore, blood circulation becomes active and metabolism becomes smooth.There is also a fear of blood sugar rising.You should also refrain from drinking water before the examination.

3. Eating Mixed Grain Rice

If you are about to have an examination, you should eat mixed grain rice before the examination.Multigrain is one of the representative anti-diabetes foods because it helps lower the blood sugar index.In addition, it’s much better than just eating white rice because it’s full.




4. Doing aerobic exercise

It is also helpful to do aerobic exercise in the evening even for a few days.It is said that you can relieve stress by organizing your thoughts through light walks or walks.Stress can also be said to be one of the causes of diabetes and can be balanced with moderate physical activity.You can lower your blood sugar level if you take a walk or ride a bicycle.This is because you can control hormone secretion through exercise.


5. No Smoking or No Drinking


It is said that smoking cessation or abstaining from alcohol is effective until the examination.If you do it for just a few days, your body will change, and if you do exercise at the same time, your blood sugar level will be noticeably better.If quitting smoking is difficult, it would be better to practice quitting drinking.


We looked at the fasting blood sugar level and the blood sugar level within 2 hours after meals.The reason why blood glucose testing is important is to determine whether it is diabetes or not.Therefore, it would be best to prepare well so that there is no error.If you get diabetes in your blood sugar test, you have to manage your eating habits and take medicine continuously, so it can’t be inconvenient.If you only eat and exercise at the same time, diabetes can be prevented, so it is better to take good care of yourself in advance.Thank you.공복혈당 정상수치