Go to the Ministry of Justice’s online civil service service
Go to the Ministry of Justice’s online complaint service | How to apply for prison visitation | Meeting with lawyer | Issuance of visa certificate for foreigners | Let’s learn about the latest on how to send letters online in 2024.
The prison and detention center internet mail service previously operated by the Ministry of Justice was abolished on October 4, 2023. Therefore, the Ministry of Justice has advised people to use e-Green Mail, an Internet post office operated by the Korea Post, from now on.
Today, we will learn about various related information along with the civil service service available through the Ministry of Justice’s online civil service service.
Ministry of Justice online civil service service
Ministry of Justice online complaint information
Ministry of Justice online civil service service
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The Ministry of Justice’s online civil service service is operated as a site that handles complaints related to prisons and detention centers, probation offices, juvenile detention centers, powdered milk reviewers, National Justice Hospital complaints, visas, immigration and stay, online civil service applications for nationality, and issuance of certificates of passing the bar exam and bar exam.
In particular, many people are using the Ministry of Justice’s online complaint service to resolve complaints related to prison visitation applications or foreign visa issuance.
prison, detention center
Target (inmate) management
Inquiry of virtual account and deposit balance
Reservation for meeting with complainant
Schedule a meeting with a lawyer
Issuance of acceptance (release) certificate
Probation office, juvenile detention center, powdered milk review center, National Justice Hospital
Write a letter to protect children
Issuance of juvenile protection certificate
Write a letter to National Legal Hospital
National Legal Hospital Daemyung, video visit reservation
National Legal Hospital certificate issuance
Community service public contest
Immigration, Foreigner Policy Headquarters
Hi Korea (electronic civil service)
Immigration office visit reservation
Check the results of the visa issuance certificate
Issuance of certificate of fact
Immigration and departure on-site tour
Issuance of passing certificate
bar exam
bar exam
Ministry of Justice online civil service service
Ministry of Justice online complaint information
Ministry of Justice online civil service service
How to apply for prison visitation
To apply for a prison visit, you can make a reservation in advance and make an appointment through the Ministry of Justice’s online civil service service.
Verify your identity or perform electronic authentication on the login screen of the electronic civil service service.
After checking the inmates to be interviewed (name of receiving institution, inmate number, inmate name), designate meeting date and time, etc.
Depending on the inmate or institution administration, it may not be possible to make a reservation for a meeting.
If you cannot make a reservation, contact the Correctional Civil Complaint Call Center at 1363 or the relevant correctional institution (Civil Complaints Department, extension number 100).
Children under 14 years of age cannot use this service.
There may be restrictions on visits or changes in visiting times due to reasons such as refusal to meet with the inmate, transfer, or deployment. In this case, separate notification will be made by text or phone.
Also, after 16:00, you cannot make a reservation for the next day’s interview, and if you do not make an interview on time, you cannot make a reservation for one month from the next day.
Check prison visitation information
Apply for a prison visit
How to apply for a meeting with a lawyer
You can also meet with a lawyer after receiving identity verification or electronic authentication through the electronic civil service service.
In order to verify the lawyer’s identity, the institution can enter lawyer (applicant) information and then search for prisoners to be interviewed.
The process is said to be completed once the date and time for the interview reservation are specified. Only the lawyer himself/herself can request a meeting with a lawyer, and reservations can be made up to 10 days up to the day before the meeting, excluding the day of the meeting.
If you are accompanying another lawyer for an interview, you can share the accompanying interview number issued upon requesting and completing the appointment reservation with the attorney who will be accompanying you and register for online civil service.
Ministry of Justice online civil service service
Check lawyer meeting information
Request to meet with a lawyer
How to apply for issuance of a foreigner visa certificate
Hi Korea, operated by the Ministry of Justice, is a site that provides various services to foreigners visiting Korea, including immigration, immigration, nationality, etc.
You can apply for basic civil complaints for foreigners, make reservations for immigration and departure visits, check expiration date of stay, confirm visa issuance, confirm the validity of registration certificate, etc.
Proof of entry and exit
It is a document certifying the fact that a person has entered and exited the country from a certain point after undergoing an immigration screening in accordance with the procedures set forth in the law. Applications can be made online using a public certificate that can be used to verify the identity of the person.
Certificate of facts regarding entry and exit is issued 4 to 7 days after departure or entry.
It can be issued through the Government 24 website.
Issuance of alien registration certificate
This is a document certifying the fact that you are registered as an alien under the Immigration Control Act. When applying online, you can apply after verifying your identity using a public certificate.
Can be issued through Government 24
List of civil complaints that can be filed at Hi Korea
Re-entry permit (multiple)
Non-professional employment E-9 Permission to change workplace
Extension of stay
Report changes in employment
Work, start of employment
Qualification change complaint
Qualification complaints
Extension of period for departure
part-time employment
Alien registration, residence report
Permission to engage in activities other than the status of residence
Re-issuance of registration certificate
Report change in registration information
Issuance of visa issuance certificate
Application for naturalization, restoration of nationality, etc.
Report on acquisition, selection, loss, and retention of nationality
C3 Re-entry residence report
Check visa certificate information
Apply for a foreign visa certificate
How to send an online letter, latest in 2024
The correctional Internet letter that could previously be sent to prisons has been reorganized into the Internet Post Office E-Green Mail service. The e-Green Mail service cannot be completed on a mobile phone, and next-day express delivery is said to be delivered the next day after application, only for payments made before 12:00 p.m.
According to media reports, officials at the Ministry of Justice’s correctional facility said the service was abolished due to a high number of abuses.
e-Green Mail usually takes about 7 days to be delivered, and the fastest overnight express costs 3,620 won. If you submit before 12pm on the same day, it will arrive the next day.
Ministry of Justice online civil service service
Check Internet correspondence information
Send a letter via Internet correspondence
Go to the Ministry of Justice’s online complaint service | How to apply for prison visitation | Meeting with lawyer | Issuance of visa certificate for foreigners | We have provided you with the latest information on how to send letters online in 2024. Please refer to the related information below and find it helpful.