교육급여바우처 신청방법 Educational stipend and tuition support for elementary, middle, and high school students, apply now!

교육급여바우처 신청방법Support for education benefits and expenses for elementary, middle, and high school students
Apply now!

✔ What are education benefits and tuition support?
✔ What is the support?
✔ How do I apply?

▶ Go to the education benefit voucher website: https://e-voucher.kosaf.go.kr

#Education benefits #Education expenses support #Education benefit voucher

As one of the basic living benefits under the National Basic Living Security Act, it supports educational expenses for children from households below a certain income level to ensure educational opportunities for low-income people.
– Target: National basic livelihood recipients (50% or less of standard median income)

In accordance with the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, the superintendent of education provides various educational expenses necessary for children from low-income families to attend school.
– Target: recipients of national basic livelihood security, recipients of single-parent family protection, recipients in the lower statutory bracket, etc.

※ If you are attending a high school excluding free education, textbook fees (once a year), admission fee (once upon admission), and tuition (quarterly) are paid.

※ If you are enrolled in a high school excluding free education, high school tuition (admission fee, tuition, school operating expenses) will be supported. If you receive admission/tuition support as an educational benefit, only the school operating support expenses will be supported.

Starting this year, a system whereby education benefits (educational activity support expenses) are paid with points on general credit or check cards held by recipients so that they can be used more intensively for educational activities.
※ If you do not have a credit or check card or if it is difficult to issue a new one, payment will be made with a prepaid card.

– Online: Bokjiro (www.bokjiro.go.kr)
– Offline: Eup/Myeon/Dong Community Center
★ After applying for education benefits, apply for an education benefit voucher

– Education benefit voucher website (e-voucher.kosaf.go.kr)

🔽 Go to education benefit voucher website 🔽

교육급여바우처 신청방법
