국가 자격증 종류 National technical certification types and acquisition status (popularity)

National technical certification types and acquisition status (popularity)
“National technical qualification” refers to qualifications in the fields of technology, skills, and services related to industry among the national qualifications under the Framework Act on Qualifications. As stated above, this will be a qualification for competency verification centered on technology and functions related to the industry.


National Technical Qualification Test – Modern society is in the era of certification
Nowadays, it is not important who has learned how much, but how much one’s abilities are recognized.
Human Resources Development Service of Korea is opening an era of certification that prioritizes each individual’s talent, ability, and expertise through the National Technical Qualification Test.


Introduction to competency evaluation work

Follow-up management of technical qualification holders, preparation and management of technical qualification test questions, and execution of technical qualification tests

Information on application procedures

Order Application Procedure Procedure Guide
1 Application application online (www.Q-net.or.kr)
2 Submit the written application form online within the written application period
Photo (half-card photo file (.jpg) taken within 6 months, fee: flat fee
Choose your own test location (first-come, first-served basis)
3 Bring written test admission ticket, ID card, and writing utensil (black marker pen, etc.)
4 Announcement of successful candidates online (www.Q-net.or.kr)
Eligibility for examination (engineer, craftsman, technician, industrial engineer, some professional office items)
For restricted items, within 8 days from the date of announcement of successful applicants (excluding Saturdays and public holidays)
You must submit the application qualification documents. However, the practical application period is 4 days.
5 Submit the application form online within the practical application period.
Photo (half-card photo file (.jpg) taken within 6 months, fee: flat fee
Select test date and location (first-come-first-served basis)
However, the technician interview test will be announced 10 days prior to implementation.
6 Prepare practical test admission ticket, ID card, writing utensil, and examination materials.
7 Announcement of final successful candidates online (www.Q-net.or.kr)
8 Bring one certificate issuance photo, test admission ticket, ID card, and fee.
Operation of national technical qualification system

국가 자격증 종류
Qualification criteria

Qualification level test criteria
Engineer: Ability to perform technical tasks such as planning, research, design, analysis, investigation, testing, construction, supervision, evaluation, diagnosis, project management, and technology management based on advanced professional knowledge and practical experience in the field for which you wish to apply. presence or absence of ability
A person who has the highest level of skill in the field for which he or she is applying for the position of technician can perform tasks such as work management at industrial sites, guidance and supervision of affiliated technical personnel, field training, and field management that organically connects the management class and the production class. presence or absence of ability
Possession of the ability to perform technical tasks such as design, construction, and analysis with knowledge of engineering technology theory related to the item for which the engineer is applying.
Whether you have the ability to perform complex functional tasks based on basic technical theoretical knowledge or skilled skills related to the field you wish to apply for as an industrial engineer
Whether or not you have the ability to perform production, manufacturing, operation, driving, maintenance, maintenance, collection, inspection, or job management and related work with skilled skills related to the item for which you wish to apply for a technician job.
Test method

국가 자격증 종류

Qualification level written test, interview or practical test
Technician short answer or subjective essay type
(60 or more points out of 100) Oral interview test
(Over 60 points out of 100)
Master Craftsman Multiple Choice 4 Choice Questions (60 questions)
(60 or more points out of 100) Subjective written test or work-type test
(60 or more points out of 100)
Article Multiple Choice 4 Choices
– 20 questions per subject (60 points or more out of 100 points)
– More than 40 points per subject (average of 60 points or more for all subjects) subjective written test or work-type test
(Over 60 points out of 100)
Industrial engineer multiple choice, 4 choices
– 20 questions per subject (scoring 60 or more out of 100)
– More than 40 points per subject (average of 60 points or more for all subjects) subjective written test or work-type test
(60 or more points out of 100)
Technician multiple choice, 4 choices (60 questions)
(60 or more points out of 100) Subjective written test or work-type test
(60 or more points out of 100)
Items and types of national technical qualifications

Construction machinery operation – excavator operator technician, forklift operator technician, crane operator technician, loader operator technician, roller operator technician.
Architecture – architectural engineer, interior architect, architectural equipment engineer
Safety management – gas industry engineer, industrial safety engineer, construction safety engineer, industrial hygiene management engineer, firefighting equipment engineer (mechanical/electrical), ergonomics engineer.
Management/Accounting/Office – Social Research Analyst (Level 1/Level 2)
Metals/Materials – Metal Materials Testing Technician, Heat Treatment Technician, Iron Making Technician
Driving/Transportation – Agricultural Machinery Operator
Health/Medical – Clinical Psychologist (Level 1/Level 2)
Culture·Arts·Design·Broadcasting – Computer graphics operation technician, web design technician
Painting, plating – Advertising painting technician
Security/Cleaning – Laundry Technician
Machine – General mechanical engineer, elevator technician, automobile maintenance technician, elevator technician, computer applied lathe technician, computer applied milling technician.
Chemistry – chemical engineer, chemical analysis engineer, hazardous materials industry engineer
Electrical/Electronics – Electrician, Electrical Construction Engineer, Electrical Industry Engineer, Electrical Technician, Electronic Device Technician
Information and communication – information processing engineer, office automation industry engineer, information equipment operation technician, information processing technician
Food processing – food technician, cooking technician, baking technician, confectionery technician, rice cake manufacturing technician
Environment – Water environment engineer, air environment engineer, noise and vibration engineer, greenhouse gas management engineer, natural ecosystem restoration engineer, soil environment engineer, waste disposal engineer.
Energy – Energy management engineer, weather appraisal engineer, meteorological engineer, new and renewable energy power generation equipment engineer (solar power), new and renewable energy power generation equipment industry engineer (solar power), new and renewable energy power generation equipment technician (solar power)
Production Management – Factory Management Engineer, Packaging Engineer, Packaging Technician, Packaging Industry Engineer, Quality Management Engineer, Quality Management Industry Engineer, Quality Control Technician
Agriculture – Organic Farming Technician
Construction – Excavator operator, forklift operator
Use/Accommodation/Travel/Entertainment/Sports – Hairdresser (general), Sports Management Manager
Food Service – Korean Cuisine, Western Cuisine, Chinese Culinary, Japanese Culinary, Blowfish Culinary.
Yearly trend of written and practical test takers and successful applicants

Trends of written test takers and successful applicants by year and grade

(Left) Candidate / (Right) Successful candidate
Trends of practical test takers and successful applicants by year and grade

(Left) Candidate / (Right) Successful candidate
Trends of qualification holders by grade by year

Trends by age of qualification acquirers by year (based on age at time of acquisition)

Gender trend of qualification holders by year

Trends by age of qualification holders (based on age as of 2020)

Cumulative age distribution by qualification holder level (based on age as of 2020)