국민내일배움카드 신청 및 자격, 사용처 정리 Summary of National Tomorrow Learning Card application, qualifications, and usage

Information about the National Tomorrow Learning Card is well-documented in the <Tomorrow Learning Card> section of the Korean government’s policy wiki, but this time we have summarized the process of applying and receiving it in person.

국민내일배움카드 신청

국민내일배움카드 신청

Tomorrow Learning Card system changed from 2020
Originally, the Tomorrow Learning Card was divided into unemployed and employed people, but from 2020, it will be integrated into one and operated under the name of “National Tomorrow Learning Card.”

If you were previously issued an unemployed card, there was a problem of having to re-issue an employed card after getting a job, so the purpose is to improve this so that you can use one card regardless of economic activity status.

Training expenses of 3 to 5 million won are provided for 5 years. (You may also receive monthly training incentives depending on certain requirements.)

Eligibility to apply for National Tomorrow Learning Card (Issuance Conditions)
The application qualifications are diverse and the criteria are so detailed that it is difficult to list them all here. However, there are various items on the screen I captured when filling out the application, so make sure to carefully look at what applies to you and choose.

From the beginning, it was confirmed that I was an employee of a company (small and medium-sized business) eligible for priority support through employment insurance subscription information.

There are various conditions for each item, for example:

Self-employed: Annual sales must be less than 150 million won
Special employment type workers: monthly income must be less than 3 million won
Employees at large corporations: Must be over 45 years old or have monthly wages of less than 3 million won.
College students: Must be scheduled to graduate before September 1 of the following year
In addition, high school seniors who do not wish to attend college are also eligible to apply.

How much support do you receive from the government?
The government’s training cost support rate varies slightly depending on the criteria below.

Type of occupation (high training support rate for national/strategic industry occupations)
Average employment rate for the relevant occupation (the higher the employment rate, the higher the training support rate)
Type of trainee you belong to (higher training fee support rate in case of employment success package)
For example, the standards are detailed like this.

However, if you search for the training course you want to take on HRD-Net anyway, you can check the training fee and the amount you will have to pay out of pocket, so you don’t have to worry too much about this part.

In any case, it can be understood that approximately 70% is supported by the government.

However, you must attend at least 80% of the time to be recognized as completion of the training course and receive a training incentive. (Tardiness, early departure, and going out three times are considered one day of absence.)

How to apply for the National Tomorrow Learning Card online
You can visit the employment center, but you can also apply online.

HRD-Net membership registration
After logging in, authenticate your real name and register your public certificate.
Enter the Tomorrow Learning Card application form
Complete application after watching the instruction video (approximately 15 minutes)
When the credit card company calls, personal information is verified and consent to various items is communicated.
Receive card
This is the end. It’s simpler than you think.

It took just 5 days to receive the card after applying online. (Apply online on Monday, receive a phone call from the credit card company on Wednesday, and receive the card on Friday.)

It’s Shinhan Card… I have never used Shinhan Bank… There’s nothing I can do about it.

Anyway, the only card company options are Nonghyup or Shinhan, and it doesn’t matter at all even if my account is actually connected to another bank.

There was no difficulty in getting it issued this way.