넷플릭스 시청기록 삭제 Delete Netflix viewing history Subheading 3: Step

넷플릭스 시청기록 삭제
Title: Deleting Netflix Viewing History Made Easy: A Step-by-Step Guide

Are you worried about your Netflix viewing history revealing your guilty pleasures or spoilers? Well, worry no more! In this blog post, we will guide you through the process of deleting your Netflix viewing history, ensuring your privacy remains intact.

Subheading 1: Why Should You Delete Your Netflix Viewing History?
Clearing your Netflix viewing history offers a range of benefits, including safeguarding your privacy and keeping your content recommendations accurate. Additionally, deleting your history enables you to start fresh, freeing you from any potential embarrassment or unwanted suggestions.

Subheading 2: Step 1 – Log In to Your Netflix Account
To begin the process, open your web browser and visit the official Netflix website. Once there, log in to your account using your email and password. Make sure you are logged in under the appropriate profile for which you wish to delete the viewing history.

Subheading 3: Step 2 – Access Your Account Settings
After logging in, click on the profile icon located on the top right corner of your screen. A dropdown menu will appear; select “Account” from the options. This will take you to the Account settings page.

Subheading 4: Step 3 – Manage Your Profile
On the Account settings page, scroll down until you find the “Profile & Parental Controls” section. Click on the profile you want to delete the viewing history for, and a new page will open with various profile settings.

Subheading 5: Step 4 – Delete Your Viewing History
Within the profile settings page, you will find the option “Viewing activity.” Clicking on this will open a list of all the shows and movies you have watched from your Netflix account. To remove an individual title, simply click on the circular icon with a line through it next to the title. If you want to delete your entire viewing history, Netflix provides a “Hide All” button.

Subheading 6: Step 5 – Confirm Your Deletion
Once you have finished selecting the titles you want to remove, scroll to the bottom of the page and click on “Save.” A pop-up window will appear, asking if you are sure you want to delete your viewing history. Confirm your decision by selecting “Yes, hide all.”

Deleting your Netflix viewing history is a simple and effective way to ensure your privacy and maintain accurate content recommendations. By following the step-by-step guide outlined in this blog post, you can easily remove individual titles or your entire viewing history. So, take control of your Netflix account and enjoy a fresh start without any worries about previous watch choices.


1. Will deleting my Netflix viewing history impact my recommendations?
No, deleting your viewing history will only remove the titles you have watched. It will not affect your future content recommendations.

2. Can I delete the viewing history for multiple profiles on my Netflix account?
Yes, you can delete the viewing history for each individual profile on your Netflix account. Simply follow the steps outlined in the blog post for each profile you want to clear.

3. Can I recover a deleted Netflix viewing history?
Once you delete your viewing history, it cannot be recovered. Make sure to carefully consider your decision before confirming the deletion.

4. Will deleting my Netflix viewing history log me out of my account?
Deleting your viewing history will not log you out of your Netflix account. You can continue to watch and enjoy content without any interruptions.

5. Is there a limit to the number of titles I can delete from my Netflix viewing history?
No, there is no limit to the number of titles you can remove from your Netflix viewing history. You have the flexibility to delete individual titles or clear your entire history.

6. How often should I delete my Netflix viewing history?
The frequency of deleting your Netflix viewing history is entirely up to you. You can delete it whenever you feel the need to maintain privacy or refresh your content recommendations.

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