대구은행 고객센터 및 전화번호 Daegu Bank customer center and phone number

If you have any questions or problems that cannot be resolved while using Daegu Bank, please contact the customer center. Additionally, for offline use, you may use branches or branches. Today, I will leave information related to Daegu Bank’s customer service center phone number and branch location, currency exchange, foreign currency remittance, etc. below.

대구은행 고객센터

대구은행 고객센터

Hide table of contents
1 Introduction to DGB Daegu Bank
2 Find Daegu Bank branch location
3 Daegu Bank Customer Center Phone Number
4 Daegu Bank Customer Center Frequently Asked Questions
5 Daegu Bank email consultation
6 Daegu Bank chat consultation


Introduction to DGB Daegu Bank
DGB Daegu Bank is a nationwide local bank affiliated with DGB Financial Group. It was established in 1967 as Korea’s first local bank. The main products are as follows.

Personal loan, business loan, deposit, savings, subscription, deposit/withdrawal, card, foreign exchange, fund, trust/retirement pension, insurance/yellow umbrella, etc.


Find Daegu Bank branch location

If you plan to visit a Daegu Bank branch, you should first find a branch near you. You can search for the branch you wish to visit on the page below. Please check in advance at each branch whether you can exchange money or send money abroad (foreign currency transfer) before visiting.

Branch, weekend branch, 365 corner automated corner ATM, PB center, safe deposit box, Daegu International Airport branch office, main branch information, overseas branch inquiry available

📌 Find Daegu Bank branch and branch locations (direct link)

📌 Find Daegu Bank 365 ATM (Shortcut)


Daegu Bank Customer Center Phone Number
If you use the telephone securities service or services such as trading and market information, or if you have any questions or inconveniences, please call the customer service center phone number below. You can find the phone number below.


Daegu Bank Customer Center Phone Number Main Number: 1588-5050 / 1566-5050
Internet Banking 1661-5100
Seniors only 1670-9550
Voice recognition 1661-5200
Overseas phone number 82-53-742-5050
Consultant/counselor connection hours: Weekdays 9:00 – 18:00 (Closed on weekends, Saturdays, Sundays, and public holidays)

📌 Find hidden insurance money, go straight to look up insurance money that you haven’t found


Daegu Bank Customer Center Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently asked questions and answers are available on the Daegu Bank Customer Center website. If you check before contacting customer service, your questions may be answered quickly. In addition to the questions below, general questions and answers about electronic finance, financial products, etc. are organized.

Information on commission rates paid by loan solicitors (legal entity) What documents are required to prove the purpose of financial transactions when opening a deposit/withdrawal account?
What are the new limited-limit accounts?
Are check card or cash IC card payments included in the withdrawal (transfer) limit of a limit account?
Are there any automatic cancellation requirements for changing a limited account to a regular account?
Is it possible to open an additional account after opening a new limit account? What are the deposit and withdrawal limits for a limit account?
What happens to new customers with limited limit accounts?
I won a subscription and am trying to cancel my account, but I can’t cancel my winnings.
I have a comprehensive housing subscription savings account, but I want to move and change the area.
I would like to apply for an income deduction for housing subscription savings.
.I want to sign up for Seven Savings, but the preferential interest rate for setting savings goals is not applicable.
I would like to sign up for a savings account that allows me to pay weekly. Are there any products? Which bank accounts are exempt from fees?
Is it possible to check a canceled account?
Can I receive a congratulatory gift if I open a child account?
Is there a bank account that exempts fees without conditions? Is there a seizure prevention account?
I am a salaried employee. Can I receive a fee exemption?
I changed my name. What should I do with my banking?
📌 Click here to see DGB Daegu Bank frequently asked questions and answers


Daegu Bank email consultation
If you have any questions about customer service, you can contact us by email on the Daegu Bank website. You can receive an answer through 1:1 consultation.


Daegu Bank chat consultation
You can receive consultation through chat with a counselor on the Daegu Bank website. Please note that some services may have restrictions due to personal information protection.


Up to this point, we have introduced the Daegu Bank customer center phone number, agent connection time, business hours, currency exchange, foreign currency remittance, etc. I hope this was helpful.