대체산림자원 조성비 계산 Alternative Forest Resource Creation Cost Calculation Method Latest Edition – Forest Times

대체산림자원 조성비 계산The 2023 standard for the creation of alternative forest resources has been announced. Alternative forest resource creation cost refers to the cost of creating alternative forests through forest development, etc. (Abbreviated as Contrast Ratio)
In other words, if forests are transformed for other purposes due to development within limited land in Korea, the cost of planting and cultivating trees again is paid as tax.
The standards for imposing contrast fees are notified by the Korea Forest Service every year, and like the publicly announced land price, the cost for creating alternative forest resources increases as time goes by because it rises little by little every year.
Anyone can easily calculate the contrast ratio calculation method by checking the publicly announced forest land price, and the Forest Times provides a contrast ratio calculator free of charge.
The contrast ratio calculator provided by Forest Times can be used every year, and you only need to enter the latest publicly announced land price and the standard for imposing alternative forest resource creation costs.
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In order to calculate the alternative forest resource creation cost, you need to check the standard for imposing the alternative forest resource creation cost for the year and the publicly announced land price. See below how the contrast ratio is calculated.
In order to calculate the alternative forest resource creation cost, it is necessary to check the officially announced land price. Publicly announced land prices can be checked through a land register or forest ledger, but can be easily checked online.
To check easily with a smartphone, you can check the Toji Joint site. You can check the latest publicly announced land price by accessing the land joint site without mobile phone authentication and entering the forest lot number.
Check forest land notice
In general, the publicly announced land price is higher for semi-preservation sites than conservation sites. For this reason, the cost of creating alternative forest resources is higher when developing semi-conservation forests than in conservation forests. Check here for the difference between conservation and semi-preservation sites.
If you have confirmed the publicly announced land price, you must check the announcement on the standard for imposing contrast fees for that year on the website of the Forest Service. Usually announced in February.
If the standard for the creation of alternative forest resources for the current year has not been announced, it can be calculated using the standard for the previous year. This is because the notification of the standards for imposition of the alternative forest resource creation cost is effective from the date of notification.
Below is the notice of the 2023 alternative forest resource creation fee levy standard. Check out the unit prices below, organized in an easy-to-use table.
It is said that the amount equivalent to 10/1000 of the individual official land price is limited to a maximum of 7,260 won ㎡, but in reality, there are few cases where the officially announced forest land price is 726,000 won per square meter.
In addition, in the case of areas for exclusive use of mountainous areas and temporary use restrictions, it is KRW 14,520/㎡, but it is not very important because development itself is difficult. Check only the standards for conservation and semi-conservation areas.
If you have checked the officially announced forest land price and the standard for contrast fee, calculate it using the contrast ratio calculator provided by Forest Times.
Using the contrast ratio calculator provided free of charge by the Forest Times, anyone can easily calculate the alternative forest resource creation cost for the mountain development levy.
Select the file name below and click Open to download. Use our Contrast Ratio Calculator to check your land tax.
Forests are also land. In other words, as the officially announced land price rises over time, the purchase cost rises. Subscribe to Forest Times, study forests, buy good forests and invest.
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