도로교통공단 이러닝센터 홈페이지 Road Traffic Authority e-learning center website

Road Traffic Authority e-learning center website (elderly driver education)

도로교통공단 이러닝센터
The Korea Road Traffic Authority is a quasi-governmental agency affiliated with the National Police Agency that conducts education, publicity, research, technology development, and driver’s license test management on road safety. The Korea Road Traffic Authority is in charge of various transportation fields such as automobile roads, railroads, and aviation, and is in charge of automobile performance and safety-related tasks.

도로교통공단 이러닝센터

We provide e-learning-based traffic safety education programs to establish traffic order and contribute to traffic safety. Job training includes [senior driver education] [school bus education] [emergency vehicle education] and [traffic safety teacher education].

Road Traffic Authority E-Learning Center Introduction
The Korea Road Traffic Authority e-Learning Center provides e-learning-based traffic safety education programs to establish traffic order and contribute to traffic safety in accordance with Article 120 of the Road Traffic Act as a public online traffic safety education service platform.

Road Traffic Authority E-Learning Center Senior Driver Education
Senior driver education is compulsory education for drivers’ license renewal (aptitude test) for drivers aged 75 or older, and is aimed at learning safe driving methods in consideration of changes in the body and cognitive functions following the natural aging process. If you access the Road Traffic Authority homepage and look at the right side of the screen, you will see four types of applications. [Elderly driver education] [School bus education] [Emergency car education] [Traffic safety teacher education] Today, we will look at [senior driver education].

Road Traffic Authority e-learning center website address

Home | Traffic Safety Education Center

Guidelines for completion of school bus education for children: From 2021. 3. 10. (Wed), all school bus operators, drivers, and guardians of children’s school buses can apply for online education.

1) To receive training at the e-learning center, you must sign up and log in.


2) You can proceed with membership registration after authenticating with one of three methods: mobile phone authentication / i-PIN authentication / card authentication.


3) Click on “Elderly Driver Education”, which is a sub-menu of the “Job Training” menu at the top of the homepage, to move.


4) After checking the training introduction and course information for the selected training, click the “Apply” button at the bottom.

5) You can check the curriculum you have applied for in the menu at the top of the homepage, “My Classroom -> Learning Status -> Current Course” menu.

<Access to Road Traffic Authority e-learning center website>
Website address: https://trafficedu.koroad.or.kr:8443/home/main/index

Road Traffic Authority school bus education
School bus safety education for children improves traffic order by conducting online education on the role and safety rules for each job category, and the safety of children getting on and off the school bus for school bus workers. It was created to improve and prevent children’s traffic accidents.

Road Traffic Authority emergency vehicle training
Emergency vehicle education is compulsory education for emergency vehicle drivers, and is designed to understand the concept and characteristics of emergency vehicles and to develop the ability and technology to prevent traffic accidents.

Road Traffic Authority traffic safety teacher education
Traffic Safety Instructor Education is designed to foster awareness of traffic order and prevent traffic accidents among children and adolescents by passing on specialized traffic safety knowledge and learning methods necessary for children and adolescents to traffic safety teachers.