똥꿈 해몽 What does the dream of pooping or feces mean? [10 interpretations of dreams about poop]

똥꿈 해몽Is a dream about pooping a good dream? Is it a bad dream? Although it is very dirty and smelly in reality, the dream of feces actually symbolizes great luck and fortune. People who know that poop dreams are good dreams even buy lottery tickets after dreaming poop. Check out the 10 most common poop dream interpretations below, including dreams of golden poop, dreams of poop cars, and dreams of falling into a poop bucket.
The dream of sitting on the toilet and pooping means that the worries or concerns that have been bothering you for a while will be relieved and resolved. It is also a sign that good results can be achieved if the current work is going smoothly.
When you step on poop while walking down the street, in reality it is said that you will have bad luck today, but according to the dream interpretation, it means that a little luck will come your way. Moreover, the more poop on your shoes, the greater your luck.
Dream interpretation of feces dream

A dream in which feces fill the house or room means that something auspicious will happen to the house or family, or that a windfall, such as receiving wealth or a lump sum of money, will occur. The dream is that the more shit you accumulate, the more your business will prosper and you will enjoy wealth and prosperity. In particular, it is a very good dream to see feces and urine overflowing from the toilet bowl.
A dream of a child pooping also means that one’s wealth will increase, meaning that unexpected good fortune will come to the child and family. The dream is even better when the child touches the poop he or she has made or the poop grows.
Dream interpretation of feces dream

To dream of falling into a bucket of shit or a pit of shit is a sign that you will make money through an unexpected opportunity. If you invest in food, agriculture, fisheries, distribution, trade, etc., you may see great profits. However, you must be careful as accidents and bad luck can occur together.
In a dream, gold means wealth, honor, and wealth, and poop also means wealth and luck. When these two meet, it means that you will have great fortune, and the dream of eating rice and pooping gold is a dream of big profits if you invest in distribution-related matters.
If the bowl is full of feces, it may upset your stomach, but in reality, it is a good dream. It is a sign that your family’s situation will improve, your household will become more abundant, and good energy will come into the home.
Dream interpretation of feces dream

If there is enough shit to fill a reservoir, it means it is also full of wealth and luck, right? It is a dream where you can make a fortune like winning the lottery, and if you are the owner of a small business, it is a good dream where the size of the company can grow tremendously.
In reality, when we see a poop car, we say, ‘Today will be a good day.’ However, I think it is true that dreams are always the opposite. Seeing a poop car in a dream has a bad meaning. It is said that incidents such as loss, loss, or theft of property may occur, and the work you are trying or currently working on may end in failure, so be careful.

In a way, I think that when you see a shitty car in your dream, you know that something bad will happen and to solve the problem, you say, ‘Seeing a shitty car is good luck’^^
Dream interpretation of feces dream

Actually, just thinking about dreaming about urinating or pooping on the blanket is embarrassing. There are two interpretations of the dream. On the contrary, it is a sign that you will make a mistake in your work and be embarrassed, but on the contrary, it is a sign that you will achieve satisfactory results and gain wealth based on your efforts. If you dreamed of pooping or peeing on the blanket, it would be a good idea to do your work carefully and hope that things turn out well.
We learned about various poop dream interpretations. Dreaming of poop basically means wealth, so if it appears in a dream, it would be good to think of it as a good omen. If you happen to wipe away or wash away the poop, you may take the property and it may escape again or you may incur a loss! For other dreams of pooping in your pants, dreams of pooping in your panties, and dreams of getting pooped, please refer to the posts below.

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