모기 잡는 법 “Catching invisible mosquitoes in 10 seconds at night” Mosquito experts recommend 2 ways to get rid of mosquitoes at night (+ how to prevent them)

모기 잡는 법2 Ways to Find Mosquitoes at Night
How to find mosquitoes with a flashlight (mobile phone flashlight app)
1. Take a flashlight in your hand and turn off the room lights.
2. Turn on a small light (such as a table lamp and cell phone) without flashlight selected.
3. In that state, slowly move around the room and search for the sound of mosquitoes. If all goes well, the mosquito will come towards the light within a minute or two, and stop at a nearby wall.
4. Shine a flashlight parallel to the wall. If there are mosquitoes, a large shadow is seen.
5. Beat the mosquito as hard as you can to catch it.

How to Find Mosquitoes with Your Phone or Tablet
1. Lie face down on the bed and place your phone or tablet on your chest with the brightness maxed out.
2. Exhale loudly toward the light. Mosquitoes, lured by the carbon dioxide and the brightness of the lights, wait for them to fly into the area.
3. Mosquitoes are likely to land on you or on your phone or tablet. Then hit the mosquito and catch it.

Mosquito habits and prevention
Mosquitoes are easily attracted to warm places and factors such as human body temperature, the smell of sweat, and carbon dioxide. In addition, due to the characteristics of using stagnant water as a habitat, mosquitoes can be seen a lot after it rains or when there is a stream or mountain near the house. So, in order to combat and prevent these mosquitoes, first of all, it is good to frequently clean places where mosquitoes are likely to live, such as the house sewer, with hot water. And, if you drink alcohol, carbon dioxide is easily generated, so if mosquitoes are really annoying and annoying, it’s a good idea to take care of yourself. Lastly, since you are attracted to human body temperature and the smell of sweat, it is recommended to prevent it by taking frequent baths even if it is annoying.

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