무인카페 창업비용 Find out about the costs of starting an unmanned cafe

무인카페 창업비용Morphie

Summary of contents ☞ Advantages of unmanned cafes ☞ Disadvantages of unmanned cafes ☞ Cost of starting an unmanned cafe

Hello, this is Morphie. Today, we will learn about the advantages and disadvantages of unmanned cafes, and the costs of starting an unmanned cafe.
These days, there’s a lot of interest in starting an unmanned cafe, so I’m looking into it.
As labor costs increase significantly every year, the number of prospective entrepreneurs considering starting an unmanned business is increasing.
But why is it unmanned? Labor cost is the point.

In 2023, the minimum hourly wage will be just 9,620 won.
If you are self-employed 24 hours a day, labor costs are bound to be very burdensome.
24 hours

That is also why unmanned entrepreneurship is becoming popular.
It is a strategy to reduce risk with low investment costs and low monthly rent.

The advantage of an unmanned cafe is that there are almost no labor costs.
Of course, this excludes your own labor costs for cleaning, arranging and stocking utensils in an unmanned cafe.
After starting an unmanned cafe, having an unmanned management system in place has the advantage of being able to easily manage the store’s situation using a smartphone.


What are the disadvantages of starting an unmanned cafe?
Many people think that coffee from unmanned cafes is tasteless(?).
Therefore, it is inevitable that we will lag behind in competitiveness with stores where baristas make coffee.
Then, wouldn’t we be able to compete on price?
These days, there are Mega Coffee, Baekdabang, Compose Coffee, and Mammoth Coffee that boast low prices even in manned stores.
Therefore, it has the disadvantage of having to target a niche market in terms of taste and price.

coffee shop

But if you think about it a little, you can turn the disadvantages of coffee taste into advantages.
This is because a store without a store owner can become a ‘hideout’ for customers who want to sit for a long time without being noticed.
This is because coffee shops sell space, not coffee.

So how much does it cost to start an unmanned cafe?
The cost of starting an unmanned cafe varies depending on the location or rent of the commercial building.
If you look into places recruiting unmanned cafe franchises, many recommend shopping malls of approximately 9 pyeong to 12 pyeong.
Of course it’s the first floor.

coffee shop

The initial cost of starting an unmanned cafe is mainly
1. Unmanned coffee machine: KRW 17 million ~ KRW 22 million (separate or integrated)
2. Interior cost: 8 million to 10 million won based on 1 million won per pyeong
3. Other interior costs: 2 million won for signboard, 5 million won for furniture and storage
4. IT equipment: sound equipment, CCTV, etc. 1 million won
5. Air conditioner: 2.3 million won per 31 pyeong
6. Initial logistics cost: 600,000 won
→ Excluding store rental costs, you can expect to pay around 36 million to 43 million won.
Of course, this is the standard for an individual business without a franchise.

So, if you look at the example table of start-up costs for one franchise, it is as follows.

Even if the franchise fee and training fee are exempted, it costs about 53 million won.

Next, let’s find out how much money you can save per month at an unmanned cafe and which locations are best.


Thumbnail – Cost of starting an unmanned cafe

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