발달재활서비스 신청방법 Developmental rehabilitation support > Welfare support service information > Knowing how to support your child’s development > My child’s development support group mobile

발달재활서비스 신청방법Is my child developmentally delayed?
Our Child Development Support Group
We provide appropriate developmental rehabilitation services to improve cognitive, communication, adaptive behavior, sensory and motor functions and behavioral development of children with mental and sensory disabilities.
Age: Under 18 years old
Age is determined based on the date of application, but the support period is until the month the disabled child selected turns 18 years old.
Type of disability: Children with brain lesions, intellectual, autism, hearing, language, and visual impairments
It is limited to children with disabilities registered under the 「Act on Welfare of Persons with Disabilities」. For infants and toddlers under 6 years of age, it can be replaced with a developmental rehabilitation service request form, detailed area test results, and test data. When a person who is not registered with a disability turns 6 years old, Supported only up to the month
Income standard: 180% or less of the standard median income. If the income standard exceeds 180% of the standard median income, the household must have two or more disabled children, and at least one parent is severely disabled (grades 1, 2, and 3). If the city/county/district head approves this, horse type support (out-of-pocket cost of 80,000 won) can be provided within the budget.
In order to reduce the burden of treatment costs on families with children with disabilities, we provide a certain amount of treatment costs to students in special education.
Busan Metropolitan Office of Education Special Education Support Center
This is a project to support healthy growth of children and strengthen their own capabilities of families with disabilities by providing necessary language development support projects to children of parents with sensory disabilities.
Non-disabled children under 12 years of age
Age is determined based on the date of application, but the support period is until the month in which the selected child turns 12 years old.
Even if there are two or more children eligible for services in the same household, each voucher is provided.
Type of disability of parents: One parent and one grandparent of a grandparent’s home are registered disabled with vision, hearing, language, intellectual, autism, or brain lesion.
Priority support if both parents have registered disabilities due to visual, hearing, language, intellectual, autism, or brain lesions.
Income standard: 120% or less of standard median income (differential support by income)
Assess the language development status of children from multicultural families and provide appropriate language education to children with communication difficulties to ensure smooth development.
Busan Community Service Investment Project to reduce problem behavior through early detection and intervention of children with problem behavior, prevent development of emotional and behavioral disorders, and support normal growth
Postal code) 47519, 15 Jungang-daero 1150beon-gil, Yeonje-gu, Busan, 1st floor open counseling room (Our Child Development Support Group)
Phone: 051-790-6142~8 | Fax: 051-868-3518
Email: woorii114@daum.net
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