사이다뱅크 파킹통장 Summary of 2.2% interest rate hike in Cider Bank’s parking passbook

There is one product that has gained popularity thanks to the craze for offering shares, and that is the ‘parking passbook’.
Originally, it was a popular product among middle-aged people who had large sums of money deposited at relatively high interest rates, but thanks to the recent public offering stock craze, people in their 20s and 30s have also started to use parking book products a lot. (However, there is a big stake in the public offering stock craze, but the deposit rate of the 1st financial sector is so shit..)
What is a parking passbook?
It means a bankbook where you can deposit and withdraw money at any time, just like a car is freely parked in a parking lot.
If you ask what is the difference between CMA and CMA, the biggest difference is ‘guarantee of principal’.
CMA is a guarantee product sold by securities companies, and most of the parking passbooks are sold by savings banks, the second financial sector, so the principal is guaranteed up to the depositor protection limit of 50 million won. 사이다뱅크 파킹통장

사이다뱅크 파킹통장
Then, in earnest, what are the recommendations for the savings bank’s parking passbook and compare the interest rates on the parking passbooks of Cider, OK, Welcome, Pepper Savings Bank?

SBI Savings Bank Cider Bank
– 1.2% per year (less than 200 million won / 0.2% over 200 million won)
– No performance conditions / No withdrawal and transfer fees 이베이스매뉴얼
– Monthly payment
The part that does not have a performance condition is my favorite cider bank parking passbook.
Usually, savings banks use a parking passbook for the purpose of increasing the number of subscribers, but there are many cases where preferential conditions are attached when trying to sign up. However, the cider bank parking passbook is just 1.2% good.

OK parking jackpot account
– 1.7% per annum (1.5% under 500 million won / 1.0% over 500 million won)
Registered OK Parking Jackpot account in Open Banking 0.2%
– No withdrawal or transfer fees
– Monthly payment
The OK Parking jackpot account is up to 1.7% per annum, but the basic level is 1.5% below 500 million won, which is also higher than the cider bank. When I first signed up for Cider Bank, it was over 2%, but it went down ignorantly.
OK Parking Jackpot Passbook is also a free deposit and withdrawal deposit product with interest rates applied even if you leave it for just one day, and Internet and mobile banking transfer fees are waived. It is possible to open a non-face-to-face account, and if there is a transfer record in connection with open banking of other financial institutions such as banks and securities companies, an interest rate of up to 1.7% per year is applied, which is better than Cider Bank.

Welcome Savings Bank Wellbang Modpay Passbook
– 3.0% per annum (default 0.5% / +0.5% when the balance exceeds 50%)
Simple payment transaction results using this deposit
An additional 2.0%p per year for purchases over 100,000 won
– No withdrawal or transfer fees
– Monthly payment
Welcome Savings Bank’s parking passbook ‘Welcome ModPay Passbook’
Conditions are attached, but this may have merit depending on the person who uses it.. After registering a ModPay account in major simple payment services such as Toss, Kakao Pay, Naver Pay, and Payco, charge and pay with biometric authentication and simple password. They offer interest rates up to 3% per annum.
However! The biggest drawback is that the ‘preferential interest rate is not applied to the deposit balance exceeding 1 million won’ written in small letters above the early period..
The benefits are dwindling.

Pepper Savings Bank Pepperlulu Parking Account
– 2.0% per year (2.0% for 3 million won or less / 1.0% for excess)
– No performance conditions / No withdrawal and transfer fees
– Quarterly payment in March, June, September and December
The biggest disadvantages of the Pepperlulu parking passbook are that the 2% applied amount is 3 million won, and the quarterly payment is the biggest drawback.

Looking at cooking
1st place. OK parking jackpot account
2nd place. cider bank
Well, by the current standards, I think it’s like this.
The welcome is the highest, but the trick is that it is limited to 1 million won. Pepper is eliminated with a quarterly payment at the 3 million limit~
I’m currently using only those two places, and coincidentally lol
Personally, I think it is comfortable (?) to use it as long as it does not exceed the depositor protection limit of 50 million won per savings bank.