스타벅스 드라이브스루 What Can You Do With Drive-Through In Korea? Starbucks DT, MacDrive, And More

Today, in 2020, we are living a life where our freedom is restricted due to the global crisis. Everyone has to live with restraint without exceptions to Korea, the United States, Europe, and Japan, but even in difficult situations, we must continue our daily lives by finding various ways to live. A typical example is the Korean ‘drive-through’ test method. Did you say it works when you are in need? Anyway, I hope everyone can gather their wisdom and pass through difficult times quickly.


Then, what are some services that can be used in a drive-thru method in Korea? In fact, the only companies or brands that provide drive-thru services in Korea were Starbucks’ DT service and McDonald’s MacDrive. I sometimes used Starbucks DT, but I didn’t know how many stores there were, but when I checked the Starbucks website, the number of stores was really high. Starbucks’ drive-thru service is now established nationwide. As McDonald’s also provided drive-thru services long before Starbucks, it was already widespread nationwide.



Starbucks drive-thru.

1. Along with the nationwide distribution of Starbucks DT stores, the representative of the drive-through service in Korea, I briefly summarized what other drive-throughs are available.


A Starbucks DT map.
This is the status of Starbucks DT stores on a national map. Except for North Gyeongsang Province and Gangwon Province, it is evenly distributed nationwide.



A Starbucks DT map.
You can see that there are quite a few drive-thru stores in Seoul and Incheon as well. However, drive-thru stores cannot be found in the central areas of Gangbuk and Gangnam in Seoul. Perhaps due to the nature of the store that requires a larger lot of land.



A Starbucks DT map.
If you look at the Uijeongbu area, there are drive-through stores at major points on the road that go in and out of Uijeongbu



A Starbucks DT map.
Likewise, you can see that there are DT stores in each major branch of the road that passes through the outskirts of the city in Anyang. Uijeongbu and Anyang are small cities, but there are quite a large number of DT stores. Starbucks’ sales strategy can be seen.



A Starbucks DT map.
In the Gyeonggi area, there are the largest number of Starbucks DT stores in Suwon. It is not known whether Suwon people love Starbucks or if Starbucks wants to make a lot of money in Suwon, but it is not an exaggeration to say that Suwon is all in every neighborhood.



A Starbucks DT map.
Even if you look at Cheonan-si, there are also drive-through stores on each major street.



A Starbucks DT map.
There are quite a lot in Cheongju, too



A Starbucks DT map.
In Daejeon, there are drive-through stores at every major street.



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A Starbucks DT map.
There are also four stores in Gumi-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do, and there are also stores in places where there seems to be relatively little traffic flow.



A Starbucks DT map.
There are so many drive-through stores in Daegu. Daegu citizens, if you want Starbucks coffee, you can just drive out for a while, so Starbucks may be comforting.



A Starbucks DT map.
There are quite a lot in Gwangju Metropolitan City



A Starbucks DT map.
Busan doesn’t have much in the center, but you can see a lot on the outskirts. Like Seoul, it’s probably because of the rent problem.



A Starbucks DT map.
Ulsan also has quite a large number of stores.


Looking at Starbucks’ drive-through store opening format, it has established a base and opened as if it were almost surrounding. Perhaps there are no more brands other than Starbucks that can enter the drive-thru market as a coffee brand.



Mac Drive.
2. McDonald’s MacDrive introduced MacDrive, the first drive-through store in Korea, in southern Seoul around 2000. McDonald’s currently operates 252 MacDrive stores nationwide. The number is larger than that of Starbucks. McDonald’s also sells coffee, so if you don’t have Starbucks DT, you can use MacDrive. There is no Starbucks DT store in Bundang, Seongnam, where I live, but I use MacDrive from time to time because it is nearby.



3. Not long ago, Pohang City sold various raw fish and raw fish through drive-thru to exhaust fish from aquaculture. I heard an article that early sales were closed due to an endless procession of vehicles. Events were held at Guryongpo Beach and Chilpo Beach in Pohang, and sales events are expected to be held in the metropolitan area. 스타벅스 드라이브스루

Pohang City Seafood Drive-Thru.

4. Lotte Department Store offers drive-through pick-up services at its Ulsan and Gwangju stores. The service allows you to order items online and pick up the items directly at the store’s parking lot. Lotte Department Store is said to be planning to expand the service to stores other than Ulsan and Gwangju.



5. Finally, there is also a ‘book drive-thru’. The library’s book loan is used in a drive-thru format, and the Jecheon City Library in Chungbuk, Jeong Yak-yong Library in Namyangju, Dasan Square,  jasminevista.comAndong City Library, and Uiseong County Library in Gyeongbuk are providing book loan drive-thru services. You can check the details on the organization’s website.