신한저축은행 온라인햇살론 Shinhan Savings Bank Sunshine Loan/Online Sunshine Loan Application Method Target Special Interest Rate Pros and Cons Application Method Loan Limit Interest Rate Interest Rate Repayment Method User Reviews Required Documents

신한저축은행 온라인햇살론Let’s find out about Shinhan Savings Bank’s Sunshine Loan/Online Sunshine Loan application method, target, special interest rate, pros and cons, application method, loan limit, interest rate, repayment method, reviews, and required documents.
Shinhan Savings Bank’s Sunshine Loan/Online Sunshine Loan is a guaranteed loan product jointly supported by the Korea Inclusive Finance Agency and small business finance companies to help stabilize lives through guarantee support for low-income, low-credit citizens.

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✔ How to apply for Daeshin Savings Bank’s Sunshine Loan
Shinhan Savings Bank’s Sunshine Loan/Online Sunshine Loan is a guaranteed loan product jointly supported by the Korea Inclusive Finance Agency and small business finance companies to help stabilize lives through guarantee support for low-income, low-credit citizens. The loan target is low-income earners with an annual income of 35 million won or less who have been employed for 3 months or more, or low-credit individuals with an annual income of 45 million won or less who have been employed for 3 months or more and have a Sunshine Loan rating of 6 to 10 from the Korea Small Business Finance Promotion Agency.
Since there is no early repayment fee, you can repay the loan without any fees whenever you have the money, and you can choose the loan period of 3 or 5 years.
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Shinhan Savings Bank Sunshine Loan/Online Sunshine Loan interest rates are 9% to 11% per annum and are applied differentially depending on your personal credit score.
The interest rate is a variable rate that changes every 12 months and is calculated by adding an additional interest rate to the base rate. The interest rate is subject to a monthly upper limit rate change according to government notices. If a financial consumer believes that his or her credit status has improved (employment, promotion, increase in assets, increase in personal credit score, etc.), he or she can request a reduction in the interest rate applied to him or her from the savings bank.
The right to request a reduction in interest rates can be applied for by visiting a branch or through non-face-to-face channels (Internet banking, mobile banking, call center, etc.) (there is no limit on the time or number of applications), and the savings bank can request that customers requesting a reduction in interest rates submit documents necessary to confirm the improvement in credit status.
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Shinhan Savings Bank Sunshine Loan/Online Sunshine Loan loan limit is up to 20 million won, and the loan limit is applied differentially according to the personal credit rating and income level according to the CSS of the Korea Small Business Finance Promotion Agency.

👇 Check the loan limit You can check the details below! Shinhan Savings Bank Sunshine Loan/Online Sunshine Loan is available to those who are 19 years of age or older, have been employed for more than 3 months, and have an annual earned income of 45 million won or less, are in the bottom 20% of credit scores, or have an annual earned income of 35 million won or less.

👇 Check the eligibility requirements for application You can check the details below!
Shinhan Savings Bank Sunshine Loan/Online Sunshine Loan repayment method is monthly equal principal installment repayment, and the loan period is up to 5 years.

Shinhan Savings Bank Sunshine Loan/Online Sunshine Loan is exempt from early repayment fee if all or part of the loan amount is repaid during the loan period.

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Shinhan Savings Bank Sunshine Loan/Online Sunshine Loan required documents are employment and income verification documents, resident registration copy, ID copy, and other required documents. If you proceed with the online Sunshine Loan, you can submit them electronically.

👇 Required Documents See more submission documents You can check the detailed information below!
Answer: Shinhan Savings Bank Sunshine Loan/Online Sunshine Loan is a guaranteed loan product jointly supported by the Korea Small Business Finance Agency and small business finance companies to help stabilize the lives of low-income, low-credit individuals through guarantee support. Please refer to the main text for more information.
Answer: Shinhan Savings Bank Sunshine Loan/Online Sunshine Loan interest rates are 9% to 11% per annum and are applied differentially depending on individual credit ratings. Please refer to the main text for more information.
Answer: Shinhan Savings Bank Sunshine Loan/Online Sunshine Loan loan limits are up to 20 million won, and the loan limit is applied differentially depending on individual credit ratings and income levels according to the Korea Small Business Finance Agency’s CSS. Please refer to the main text for more information.
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