실업급여 조건 We will inform you of unemployment benefit conditions, benefit period, and amount!

실업급여 조건However, we must not forget that there is a reliable unemployment benefit system even in these difficult circumstances. Please refer to the article below and I hope it will help you receive government-supported salary and help you in your re-employment activities.


Unemployment benefits are a welfare policy that pays a certain amount of benefits when a worker is enrolled in employment insurance and has problems making a living due to unemployment or poor management while working. This helps ensure employment opportunities. Statistics show that unemployment is constantly increasing. Therefore, unemployment benefits should be viewed as a temporary but realistic alternative.

To receive unemployment benefits, you must meet the following conditions:

3 ways to check insurance cancellation refund and precautions

The period of receiving unemployment benefits varies depending on the worker’s age, disability, and employment insurance subscription period.

In summary, if you are over 50 or disabled, you may be able to receive Jobseeker’s Allowance for a longer period of time.

Age/Enrollment Period
under 50 years old
240 days
120 days
180 days
210 days
240 days
270 days

Through the table above, you can easily understand the period of receiving job-seeking benefits depending on your age and employment insurance subscription period.

You can easily calculate and check the amount you can receive through the link to the Employment Insurance website below.

> Direct link to simulated calculation

The amount of unemployment benefits is calculated by multiplying 60% of the average wage for the three months before retirement by the number of days of prescribed benefits.

For example, if you received 2.5 million won per month for the three months immediately before retirement (March to May), the average wage is 81,521 won (2.5 million won If the period is more than 10 years, the number of days of prescribed benefit is 270 days.

Job-seeking benefits are subject to upper and lower limits. The upper limit is 66,000 won and the lower limit is 61,568 won (as of 2023, calculated as 80% of the minimum amount). If the average wage is less than the lower limit, the lower limit applies, and if the average wage is higher than the upper limit, the upper limit applies.

Therefore, in the example above, the total amount of job search benefits paid is 61,568 won x 270 days = 16,623,360 won.

Conditions for receiving unemployment benefits include subscription to employment insurance, an insured unit period of more than 180 days, non-voluntary reasons for job separation, and efforts to re-employ. The benefit period varies depending on the number of years of employment insurance subscription for those under 50 years old, from 120 to 240 days, and from 120 to 270 days for those over 50 years old or disabled.

The amount of unemployment benefits paid is calculated as the product of 60% of the average wage for the three months before job change and the number of days of prescribed benefits. There is an upper limit and a lower limit. If the average wage is lower than the lower limit, the lower limit applies, and if it is higher than the upper limit, the upper limit applies.

Job seekers who are eligible to receive unemployment benefits according to the above conditions and period can receive temporary support when experiencing economic difficulties. Please check whether you can receive unemployment benefits through a simple verification process on the Employment Insurance website, and if you meet the eligibility requirements, apply to receive benefits.

실업급여 조건

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