쌀벌레 없애는법 How to get rid of rice bugs – What rice bugs are, can I eat rice with rice bugs?

쌀벌레 없애는법After being away from home for a long period of time, rice bugs grew on the rice left in the small room used as a storage room.

When I pour water to wash the rice, they float around. After washing the rice several times and removing it, I can’t see it, but it’s even more disturbing to hear that they gave birth to larvae in the rice grains.

After wondering whether I should eat the rice or throw it away, I decided to get rid of rice bugs first. Now, let’s find out what rice bugs are, how to get rid of rice bugs, and whether it is okay to eat rice with rice bugs.

Rice bug, who are you?

It is also called rice weevil and usually grows on grains, including rice. Rice bugs thrive in places with temperatures above 15 degrees and high humidity. One female lays about 300 to 500 eggs in rice, and the eggs hatch and feed on rice grains until they become adult moths.

So, when rice bugs appear, they only eat rice grains, which creates a lot of empty shells (you end up eating rice that has no nutritional value), and because they lay eggs in rice grains, they are cracked and often thrown away.

Can I eat rice with rice bugs in it?

In conclusion, it is said to be okay to eat. However, all rice bugs must be removed, but since the eggs are already in the rice grains, it is not easy to remove them.

So, it is a waste to throw it away and it is not easy to remove rice bugs, so rice cakes are made and eaten. If you take it to a mill, they will remove the rice bugs and make rice cakes.

How to get rid of rice bugs
Common points – Avoid warm rooms or places with high temperature and humidity, and immediately place rice in a sealed container in the refrigerator or kimchi refrigerator after purchasing. However, if rice bugs have already appeared, you must use methods to prevent and get rid of rice bugs, and these are as follows.

1. Whole garlic, spicy pepper

Many of you have probably heard it. One way to store rice is to put whole garlic in a rice container. Garlic contains a component called allicin, which has bactericidal properties and is said to eliminate rice bugs.

If you don’t have garlic, you can use hot peppers. As we all know, peppers contain a spicy ingredient called capsaicin, which kills rice bugs, so it is usually best to add four or five peppers to a bucket of rice. Maybe that’s why I put the kimchi container in the rice container and saw many rice bugs crawling out and dying.

2. Charcoal

It is said that charcoal can prevent rice bugs from forming because it holds moisture. However, it is not very effective after rice bugs have already appeared, and since charcoal cannot be simply placed in the rice container, it does not seem to be a good method as it requires a lot of work.

3. Alcohol

They say you can kill all rice bugs by soaking cotton in strong alcohol and putting it in a sealed rice container, but I tried using soju and it doesn’t seem to help much. I wonder what it would have been like if stronger alcohol had been used.

4. Buy rice bug repellent

There is a way to purchase rice bug repellent at supermarkets or Daiso. You can easily purchase rice bug repellent online by searching for it. If you have too much rice to store it all in the refrigerator or kimchi refrigerator, using rice bug repellent (repellent) may also be effective.

The best thing is to store rice well from the beginning to prevent rice bugs from forming. Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator or kimchi refrigerator. Avoid warm rooms or places with high humidity, and be sure to store them in the refrigerator, especially between May and October.

Personally, I used alcohol and spicy kimchi, and the effects of peppers and kimchi did not seem to be bad. However, if there are too many bugs in the rice, it will feel uncomfortable even while eating it, so I think I will have to throw it away. I’ll have to check how much the rice floats when I wash it.

쌀벌레 없애는법
