아동급식카드 발급 조건 Child Meal Support > Child/Youth Welfare > Child/Youth Welfare >

아동급식카드 발급 조건If 18 years of age or older, includes children in high school and out-of-school children under 18 years of age
(Definition of concern about undernourishment) When it is difficult for guardians to prepare enough stocks and side dishes, or when it is difficult for children to prepare meals for themselves even if they can prepare stocks and side dishes.
Even in the case of children of foreign nationality, support is provided if there is concern about undernutrition according to the application criteria below.
However, excluding children who are protected by child care facilities, communal homes, etc. in accordance with Article 15 of the Child Welfare Act
A copy of the business registration certificate and a copy of the bankbook in the name of the representative are required.
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아동급식카드 발급 조건
