안전관리계획서 제출대상 Subjects to submit safety management plan, deadline for submission

안전관리계획서 제출대상Subjects to submit safety management plan, deadline for submission

A safety management plan is a plan to discover risk factors in the construction process before the start of construction, establish an appropriate safety management plan for the construction site, and prevent safety accidents during construction.
Subjects to submit safety management plan, deadline for submission

According to the Construction Technology Promotion Act, construction companies and registered housing construction companies must prepare a safety management plan and submit it to the owner before construction begins to obtain permission. The owner, not the ordering authority, must submit a copy of the safety management plan in advance to the head of the permitting agency for approval.

Subjects for submission of safety management plan, when to submit

After that, the head of the licensing agency of the ordering agency must submit the safety management plan review result to the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport.

General summary of safety manager appointment standards, placement qualifications, qualifications, and reports

It is subject to Article 98, Paragraph 1 of the Construction Technology Promotion Act, which requires the establishment and submission of a safety management plan.

Submission of safety management plan

[Temporary structure]

Summary of work, content, and time for special safety and health education in the construction industry

The safety management plan is prepared and submitted to the Construction Safety Management Comprehensive Information Network (www.csi.go.kr).

The deadline for submission is within 7 days from the date of notification to the construction company, etc.

Deadline for Submission of Safety Management Plan

[Enforcement Decree of the Construction Technology Promotion Act]

Above, we learned about the timing of submission of the safety management plan and the subject of submission.
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안전관리계획서 제출대상
