연체기록 조회 How to check credit delinquents / How to delete overdue records / How to check the statute of limitations :: Credit Keeper

연체기록 조회I’ll tell you how to check for bad credit, so you can easily find out by following them one by one.

All information related to my credit is held by credit rating agencies. All Credit Nice Jikimi These two companies are credit rating agencies. Among these, I will look up bad credit in All Credit.

You can check how much is overdue and how it was registered with the Korea Credit Information Service.

You can enter “National Free Credit Inquiry”, but it is in the middle of the right side. Since a credit inquiry is performed in my name, I must go through the process of verifying my identity through public certification. Authenticate yourself with your mobile phone or credit card.

When I went in, my credit history was all there. You only need to check a few of the many pieces of information. First of all, it is loan delinquency information. It looks like unreleased overdue information, but it means that the overdue information has not been released because the money has not been paid.

Only when the overdue record is deleted can you borrow money from the bank again in the future. it takes

You can also check late payments with your credit card company. As a tip, it is impossible to delete the record of card use even if you pay off all debts because the credit card company keeps a record of overdue payments. In this case, it is a good idea to change the credit card company because there is no record with other card companies.

The results of the bad credit check are listed in Default Information below. If you are overdue for 5 business days or more, you are registered as a short-term delinquent.

The figure below is a search for extinctive prescription. If the debt is not paid for a long period of at least 5 years, the statute of limitations for debts expires and the obligation to repay disappears. If the financial company does not extend the statute of limitations, the statute of limitations is completed and you do not have to receive debt collection anymore, and you can finance with confidence in your name. You can also trade.

If you can’t pay off your debt on your own, you can receive a debt reduction through personal workout and pay off your debt for up to 8 years. If the overdue period is more than 3 months and the income exceeds the minimum cost of living, you can check the eligibility to apply for a reduction or exemption.

You can check the completion of the statute of limitations and check credit defaulters free of charge on All Credit, and you can check the qualifications for applying for personal workouts at the Credit Recovery Committee. I wish you good results.

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