오메가 3 부작용 We will inform you of 5 side effects of Omega 3.

오메가 3 부작용Before looking into the side effects, let’s first find out what the benefits of Omega 3 are. Omega-3 is an essential fatty acid that our body needs but cannot produce on its own, and is a type of unsaturated fatty acid. The most representative nutrients of omega-3 fatty acids are DHA and EPA. It helps improve neutral lipids in the blood and is known to be effective in improving blood circulation, memory, dry eyes, and skin care. DHA helps with brain development, memory improvement, and dry eye syndrome. EPA lowers cholesterol levels and helps improve blood circulation. Omega-3 is a major component of cell membranes and has the function of suppressing inflammation and supplying oxygen to cells. It also plays a big role in preventing blood clots.
The efficacy of omega-3 fatty acids was highlighted in the 1970s when studies were conducted on Eskimos living in the Arctic. Eskimos eat a lot of meat, but they also eat a lot of fish, so they have the characteristic of not having heart disease. Omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil, which Eskimos often consume, are known to have the effect of lowering triglycerides in the blood and improving blood circulation. It became known worldwide after the U.S. FDA and Canadian government recognized its efficacy. It is also effective in reducing inflammation, so it is known to be particularly helpful in alleviating arthritis and chronic inflammation, including asthma.
Research results have been published showing that it even reduces mortality. A study conducted on 7,000 people over 6 years by Dr. Alex’s team at the Spanish Institute of Obesity, Nutrition, and Physiology found that the group that consumed 0.7% of their daily energy from vegetable omega-3 fatty acids such as walnuts had a significantly higher mortality rate than the control group that consumed relatively small amounts of vegetable omega-3 fatty acids. was found to be lower.
Omega 3 is a truly safe supplement. There are almost no side effects, and according to the US FDA, less than 3g per day is not a major problem. DHA+EPA=3g per day, up to 3 to 4 pills, no major side effects occur. However, no medicine or nutritional supplement is good for everyone. Occasionally, side effects may occur, and the side effects may be so severe that they may harm your health. Please be aware of the signs of side effects caused by consuming omega-3 fatty acids in advance to protect your health. Now let’s look at the side effects of omega-3 fatty acids.
You should stop taking it if you experience extreme dizziness, lethargy, or headaches. Omega 3 helps blood circulation and at the same time relaxes blood vessels. If these effects are too sensitive, or if you consume high doses and your blood pressure drops excessively, you may experience dizziness, lethargy, and headaches. Elderly people or those with low blood pressure may faint suddenly, so caution is required.
Bleeding occurs easily in the skin, eyes, and gums. If small bruises suddenly appear on your skin, your gums bleed, a blood vessel bursts in the white of your eye and blood accumulates, or you have bleeding from a stitch where you recently had major surgery, you should stop taking omega-3. do.
Because Omega-3 is not a general synthetic product but an oil extracted from fish such as salmon or plants, allergic reactions may occur. Omega-3 allergies include fish allergies, sea organism allergies, and plant allergies. People with these allergies need to be careful. Therefore, you should know your allergies. It is okay to have one or two hives, but if several appear at the same time, if your eyelids or lips are swollen, or if you have difficulty breathing after eating, you should stop taking it immediately.
Although it is a very rare case, it has been reported. Some people say that when they take omega-3, their liver levels increase. When liver levels rise, symptoms include jaundice, extreme fatigue, severe nausea and vomiting, and cola-colored urine. If you experience these symptoms, you should immediately stop taking omega-3.
The last one is gastrointestinal disorder. Usually, people don’t eat it if they don’t feel well, but parents endure the pain and keep taking it because it is a gift for their children. Elderly people sometimes suffer from severe diarrhea or vomiting, but many people are unaware that these severe gastrointestinal disorders are caused by omega-3 intake. Therefore, if you experience symptoms of gastrointestinal distress, stop taking it immediately.
Occasionally it may occur when taking an overdose or due to the individual’s unique characteristics, but other than these cases, it rarely occurs. Omega 3 is a safe nutritional supplement, so eat it without worrying too much. However, if symptoms appear, stop taking it. Omega 3 is not a medicine but a nutritional supplement. This means that it is not something worth enduring the pain and eating. Have a healthy and happy day today~!!
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