우편물 주소변경 Summary of 2 ways to change address after moving (free, paid)

우편물 주소변경After moving, you must change your mailing address. It is not easy to individually call each credit card company or financial institution. In addition, if the address is not changed in time, problems such as the return of important mail, loss, or non-receipt, or imposition of fines, may occur. This is very difficult.

There is a way to change your address at once without having to go through the trouble of changing it one by one. In this post, we will take a closer look at two methods (free and paid) to change all addresses at once.


This is a one-click address change service provided by KT for free as a public service. For companies affiliated with KT (telecommunications companies, credit card companies, banks, insurance companies, distributors, automobiles, airlines, oil companies, etc.), you can change all addresses with one click.

The important thing is that you can use the service regardless of the carrier, even if the carrier you use is not KT.

Notes are as follows: This is such a great benefit.

We will inform you of the application process in detail.

▶▶Go to KT Moving address change service application
ktmoving address contact change service
Change the inconvenient address of your bank, card, insurance, etc. due to moving or changing jobs at once for free. The ktmoving address change service allows anyone to change their desired address for free and easily with one application.

How to apply for KT Moving address change 1

How to apply for KT Moving address change 2

KT Moving address change application method 3

How to apply for KT Moving address change 4

One thing to be especially aware of at this stage is that some affiliates only change when applying with a street name address.

How to apply for KT Moving address change 5

How to apply for KT Moving address change 6

Your address change application has been completed. You can now receive the results of your change application via text or email within one week.

If your address has changed due to a move-in report, the post office provides a mail forwarding service that delivers mail containing your previous address to your new address. You can easily apply by visiting the post office or online post office.

Things to keep in mind are as follows:

The usage fee and area classification are as follows.
Post office address change service fee information table
Post office area classification table

We will inform you of the application process in detail.
When you report your move-in at the community center or Government 24, you will also apply for the [Mail Move-in Location Forwarding Service]. After that, you can visit the post office in person or access the Internet Post Office website and proceed with ‘fee payment’.

▶▶Go to apply for post office address transfer service
Postal service – Additional services – Residential relocation reservation reception
Residential Relocation Service Application/Payment/Cancellation HOME Postal Additional Service Residential Relocation Service Application/Payment/Cancellation □ What is the residential relocation mail transmission service? If your address has changed due to a move-in report, send new mail containing your previous address.

How to apply for post office address transfer service 1

※ Tip: As there is a fee, I personally recommend that you contact major financial institutions and credit card companies directly during the first 3 months of use to apply for a change of address and terminate the service.

How to apply for post office address transfer service 2 – Payment of fees

Individual application for post office address transfer service or extension method 1

Individual application for post office address transfer service or extension method 2

Post office address transfer service individual application or period extension method 3

Individual application for post office address transfer service or method of extending the period 4

How to apply individually or extend the period for post office address transfer service 5

So far, we have looked at two free or paid methods to change your address at once after moving. We tried to provide as detailed and accurate information as possible. I hope this was helpful and I will conclude.

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