운송장번호 모를때 If you do not know the waybill number, 4 methods of courier inquiry are available immediately!

If you do not know the waybill number, we will tell you 4 ways to track the courier! You can search for courier with just your phone number, and you can easily search through the site or app, so check it out right below!

운송장번호 모를때

Contents [hide] 운송장번호 모를때

1 Search for courier without a waybill number on the Logi site
2 Searching for courier without a waybill number in the Logiye app
3 Inquiry of courier without invoice number with Delivery Keeper app
4 Search when you do not know the waybill number with the smart courier app
Searching for courier without a waybill number on the Logi website

On the Rojii site, you can search for parcels without a waybill number by partnering with various couriers! Access the link at the bottom and check the courier on the Rojii site! 비지니스헬퍼

Rogii site direct link

▼ After arriving at the LogiI website by accessing the link above, you can click [Courier delivery inquiry] on the right side of the menu to search for parcels with only the phone number without the invoice number.



▼ Log in with your mobile phone number

Click the [Sign in with mobile phone number] text on the right.



▼ Paid subscription to log in

Now, after verifying your mobile phone, you can sign up for a paid subscription to track delivery. You have to pay 1,100 won per month as a communication fee, but if you don’t want to pay the fee, you can check out how to track shipping for free at the bottom of this article, so you can skip this method and read it right away.


Searching for courier without a waybill number in the Logiye app
Logiye service can search parcels not only through the website but also through the app. This is a useful service that automatically searches and informs you of the parcel status in your mobile phone number without the waybill number.

Rogii app shortcut link

▼ Access the link above to download and run the Logiye (current name: Courier Finder) app. The picture below is the screen when the app is launched.


Note) Is the membership registration process difficult? If you find the sign-up process a bit daunting, check out the article below and you can easily follow all the steps in order to sign up as a member in less than a minute.

Learn about logi courier delivery inquiry

Track parcels without an invoice number with the Delivery Keeper app

Like the Rojii app introduced above, the Delivery Keeper app automatically registers the courier information registered on your mobile phone.

Delivery Keeper app shortcut link

Automatically register your phone’s shipping information to the app

▼ First, click [Auto-Registration Settings] to allow access to notifications so that you can view the delivery status in the ‘Delivery Keeper’ app. Please enable access permission to allow access.



▼ Check shipping in the app

Next, as soon as you launch the app, you can see the delivery inquiry screen as shown in the picture below. You can check not only packages that are delayed in delivery, but also packages before delivery and packages that have been delivered.


If you’ve followed this far, you’ve learned about three ways to look up the parcel when you don’t know the waybill number with the app.

Most of the methods are very convenient because just run the app and it automatically retrieves and shows the delivery status of your mobile phone.

But there is one more useful way!

Below is a method that allows you to search without an invoice number with the app, but also automatically imports and displays the order as soon as you purchase it by connecting to a shopping mall such as Gmarket or Auction.

If you buy from shopping malls on a regular basis, be sure to check out the methods introduced below!

Search when you do not know the waybill number with the smart courier app
Like the apps introduced above, the smart courier app is also an application that allows you to inquire about courier without a waybill number.

Connect with a specific shopping mall and automatically retrieve and display shipping information whenever you place a new order!

For your information, you can easily link the courier delivery status with fashion malls, so check out the link below to see if there are any shopping malls you often use!

Smart Courier App Shortcut Link

▼ First, let’s find out how to track delivery. It’s very simple. If you access the smart delivery app store with the link above, install and run it, you can track delivery. When you run the app, you can see a list of deliveries that are being delivered or have been delivered as shown in the picture below. Next, find out how to automatically track delivery by linking items purchased from the shopping mall below!



▼ Check the delivery of items purchased from the shopping mall

Next, let’s look at how to add a shopping mall and track shipments for items purchased from the shopping mall. When you first launch the app, you can see it as shown in the picture below. Touch the blue round icon with a + shape in the lower right corner and move on to the next one.



▼ Linking the delivery status of the shopping mall

As shown in the picture below, if you touch [Add another shopping mall connection], a list of shopping malls that can be connected appears.


▼ Select the shopping mall you want to connect

Now is the time to select the shopping mall you want to automatically track delivery on the smart delivery app. Touch the [Connect] button on the right side of each shopping mall to bring up the shopping mall you want to search.



▼ Final step to connect shopping mall

Now, if you agree to the registration agreement and enter the account information of the shopping mall, you can automatically check the delivery on Smart Courier every time you purchase an item from the shopping mall.


So far, we have looked at 4 ways to inquire about the courier when you do not know the waybill number. I will introduce a collection of useful shortcut links related to this article below, so please check it out and get help!