인터넷 속도 측정 KT Measure KT Internet speed (also available for third-party customers such as SK and LG)

인터넷 속도 측정 KTClick the image below to access the KT homepage and log in first.

You will now see a screen like the one below:
First, select “Speed ​​Test” in the red box.
There are three speed tests below, please select any of them.
(Products are divided according to speed, but when actually measured, they all come out the same.)

Now click on the speed test and you will be taken to the program download page.
Go to the download page, click “windows” in the image below, and then click the installed file in the upper right corner.
Installation begins.

Please refer to the guide below for installation instructions. (Source: KT website)

Now, if you return to the speed test screen and click “Speed ​​Test,” the 4-step speed test will automatically proceed.
Download / Upload / Response speed (ping check) / Route tracking

I use a 500Mbps product and the measurement value is exactly correct.

So, can these numbers be trusted?
In the next post, I will actually download the file from my PC and check whether the speed is 500Mbps.
Check actual internet speed by downloading a file from my PC
I checked my internet speed through the telecommunication company’s internet speed check function the other day and it came out at 500Mbps. https://sh-safer.tistory.com/431 Measure KT Internet speed (also available for third-party customers such as SK and LG) KT speed measurement pay

KT Internet speed measurement, KT Internet speed check, SK Internet speed measurement, SK Internet speed check, Internet speed check, Internet speed measurement

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Seohyun Guardian

인터넷 속도 측정 KT
