임신출산진료비 신청방법 Issuance of National Happiness Card with Health Insurance Pregnancy and Childbirth Medical Expense Support – Card/One Cut | Multimedia | Republic of Korea Policy Briefing

임신출산진료비 신청방법We will issue a National Happiness Card for the treatment of pregnant women and infants.

Health Insurance Pregnancy and Childbirth Medical Expenses Support
▲ Support Eligibility

· Health insurance subscribers or dependents who have had a pregnancy or childbirth (including miscarriage or stillbirth) and applied for pregnancy and childbirth medical expenses support
▲ Support Details

· Provision of a voucher (National Happiness Card) that can be used for medical expenses and purchasing medicine and treatment materials for pregnant women and infants under 2 years old

· A voucher worth 1 million won per pregnancy (1 million won per fetus: 2 million won for 2 fetuses, 3 million won for 3 fetuses, etc.). In case of childbirth vulnerability, additional support of 200,000 won

· The period of use is 2 years from the date of card receipt (date of point creation in case of card issuers) to the expected date of delivery (or date of birth)
▲ How to apply

· Online application: Corporation/Government24 website, Corporation/card company (bank) mobile app, phone (after registering pregnancy/childbirth information in the computer system at an obstetrics and gynecology department)

· In-person application: National Health Insurance Corporation branch, card company (bank), administrative welfare center, public health center (confirm pregnancy/childbirth facts with a specialist on the application form for payment of health insurance pregnancy/childbirth treatment expenses at an obstetrics and gynecology department)
▲ Inquiries

· National Health Insurance Corporation (☎1577-1000)

· Health and Welfare Counseling Center (☎129)· BC Card (☎1899-4651), Samsung Card (☎1566-3336), Lotte Card (☎1899-4282), KB Kookmin Card (☎1599-7900), Shinhan Card (☎1661-8599), etc.
Inquiries: Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism Policy Portal

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임신출산진료비 신청방법
