재산세 조회, 납부방법 및 납부시기 Property tax inquiry, payment method and payment period

I would like to briefly tell you how to check your property tax, check the payment deadline, and pay it in full. We will properly check the property tax assessment standards and even check how to receive a discount on annual payment without missing the payment date and becoming delinquent.

재산세 조회

재산세 조회

property tax
Some people think that local taxes are usually property taxes. Property taxes are taxes levied on people who own land, buildings, houses, aircraft, and ships. It is included in local taxes, but also goes into city/county taxes and general taxes. It is also subject to autonomous district tax.


Property tax payable
The person liable to pay (subject) is someone who actually owns the property as of the property tax tax base date (June 1). Therefore, when making a real estate transaction, it is important to carefully check the date of June 1 before making a transaction.

Property Tax Inquiry, Summary of all payment periods
property tax

Property Tax Inquiry
Property tax inquiries can be made by accessing the Witax or (in the case of Seoul) Etax website. For areas other than Seoul, access Witax and select property tax on the main screen.


Seoul City: ETAX

Seoul and other places: WETAX

Property Tax Inquiry, Summary of all payment periods
Property tax inquiry: Witax
Property Tax Inquiry, Summary of all payment periods
Property tax inquiry: Etax (Seoul City)
Once you authenticate yourself through simple authentication or a joint certificate, you can check your tax payment number, tax details, classification, payment due date, and levy amount at once on the member payment screen.

Property Tax Inquiry, Summary of all payment periods
Property tax inquiry and payment
Property tax payment period and payment date
Anyone who actually owns property as of the tax base date (June 1 of each year) is obligated to pay property tax. The tax base is the property value based on the market standard amount determined and announced by the mayor/county/district head.


The levy collection method follows the normal collection method based on a notice. To collect property tax, you must write down the project standard and tax amount on a tax bill classified by land, building, house, ship, and aircraft and issue it at least 5 days before the start of the payment due date.

In the case of land, payment is due from September 16th to September 30th every year. For buildings, from July 16 to July 31 each year. For houses, one-half of the calculated tax amount is from July 16 to July 31 each year, and the remaining half is from September 16 to September 30. You can pay by the end of the day.


Lastly, for ships and aircraft, payments are due from July 16 to July 31 each year. Cars are also included as property, but you only have to pay car tax according to the car tax payment period.

Property Tax Inquiry, Summary of all payment periods
Payment period, payment date
Is it possible to get a discount on annual property tax payment?
For automobile tax included in property, if you apply for annual payment and pay in January of each year, you can receive a discount of approximately 10% on annual payment. In that case, is it possible to get a discount on annual payment of property taxes? Unfortunately, there is no separate discount for annual payment of property taxes. However, there is a way to get some tax deductions.


You can check by connecting with the tax department of each local government or the financial team (general affairs team) of the administrative welfare center in your town, township, or dong. Because it is a tax credit, you can get a discount of about 500 won, not a percentage, so if you are short on time, you can just pay the property tax.