전북은행 스마트뱅킹 Jeonbuk Bank Newsmart Banking, the smart application we have always wanted

Today, we will look at Jeonbuk Bank News Mart Banking, a local bank established in 1969 and listed on the stock exchange through an IPO in March 1972.
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Jeonbuk Bank Newsmart Banking
Characteristic 전북은행 스마트뱅킹
[Information Use]


전북은행 스마트뱅킹

▶ OS: Android 4.3 or higher
▶ It cannot be used if the operating system has been tampered with to prevent electronic financial accidents according to the guidelines of the financial supervisory authority.
▶ It can be used through the mobile carrier’s communication network and wireless network (Wi-Fi), and data charges may occur when the flat-rate plan capacity is exceeded.​ 이베이스매뉴얼
▶ Please contact the Customer Center () for any other questions, such as errors occurring on unsupported devices and some devices.
▶ Customer center consultation hours: Weekdays 09:00-18:00, Saturdays 09:00-13:00[App Information]
▶ Simple subscription service
-Convenience of signing up for electronic finance and deposit and withdrawal bankbook at once
– Non-face-to-face account opening service that allows you to sign up for products even if you are not a member of e-banking without logging in ▶ Convenient log-in/transfer
-Pattern/simple password login with convenience and safety at the same time-Simple transfer that requires additional authentication depending on the transfer amount
▶ Open banking service
-You can easily and quickly register other bank accounts and transfer money
-Search Jeonbuk Bank and other bank accounts at once
▶ Visit-free service
-Simple banking processing through non-face-to-face identity verification without visiting a branch ▶ Personalized service for me
-Automatically set frequently used menus
-Financial calendar function that allows you to see your own financial transaction information at a glance Jeonbuk Bank Newsmart Banking Additional information
update date
September 8, 2020
number of installations
current version
Depends on your device.
Required Android version
Depends on your device.
content rating
3+ years old
Jeonbuk Bank Co., Ltd.
Gift a Google Gift Card
If it is a paid app, you can gift a Google gift card to purchase the app with a Google gift card.
Go to Google Play Gift Card Official Website ☜☜ Today, we learned about Jeonbuk Bank’s New Mart Banking app. Overall, it has poor reviews and seems to have many inconveniences in using it. Various errors such as login errors are occurring, so those who do Jeonbuk Bank as their main transaction seem to be inconvenient.