카카오톡 사다리타기 How to play ladder game with KakaoTalk (KakaoTalk ladder game)

There are times when you need to set up a meeting place or make a coffee while talking with friends through KakaoTalk.


카카오톡 사다리타기

Ladder game with KakaoTalk 카카오톡 사다리타기
Press the # button on the right side of the chat window.

Activate the search function (?) by pressing the # button on the right side of the chat window. 1분전



Search ladder climber.

After entering ladder climbing, press the magnifying glass button on the right to search.



Enter your bet details in the Bet Input field.

When the ladder climbing game window appears, enter the bet you want to make in the bet input field.

If it’s good, you can enter win/lose, and if it’s bad, enter win/pass.

Participation is done by people in the basic chat room, and you can also coordinate the number of winners or losers.


If you have entered all of them, now press the KakaoTalk icon at the bottom to send the game result to the chat room members. Just because you made a ladder doesn’t mean you can know your results. Absolutely random!



check my results

If you send KakaoTalk, a chat message will pop up asking you to check the results of the ladder game as above.

This message also appears to the other party, and the results of each person viewing the chat window are shown, not the results of the person who made the ladder game.

In my case, you can see that the bang came out.



Also check the full result.
If you click the Check All Result button in My Result Image above, you can see the screen like the one below.



Ryan dances down and dusts me with pollen from my result, Kwang.



You can see all the results of everyone in the chat room at a glance by pressing the total result in the upper left corner.



Easy to use KakaoTalk Ladder Game

How to use KakaoTalk ladder game easily!

If you click the direct bet input part, you can select draw/snack bet/task role sharing/housework sharing/what to eat today/order drawing. If it is difficult or troublesome to set it up yourself, you can use this part 😀