카톡 비밀 채팅 Check KakaoTalk secret chat method and details!

Hello, this is information world.

Did you know that there is a secret chat among the features provided by KakaoTalk?

Use it when you have a secret story with your friend or lover on KakaoTalk! 카톡 비밀 채팅

카톡 비밀 채팅

1. What is KakaoTalk Secret Chat? 1분전
2. How to use KakaoTalk secret chat
3. Uncover KakaoTalk Secret Chat
1. What is KakaoTalk Secret Chat?
For existing KakaoTalk chats, the contents of the message remain on the KakaoTalk server, so you can check the contents of the message on the KakaoTalk side. Of course, you will rarely see personal messages on KakaoTalk. Still, technically, it is possible to check the user’s messages remaining on the KakaoTalk server.

However, KakaoTalk’s secret chat feature is an end-to-end encryption technology, so the user’s chatting cannot be confirmed even on KakaoTalk.

2. How to use KakaoTalk secret chat
How to use KakaoTalk secret chat is as follows.


1. On the KakaoTalk chatting screen, click the chat window at the top to create a new chat.

KakaoTalk-Add Chat-Screen
2. Click ‘Secret Chat’ in the middle of the new chat as shown below.


KakaoTalk-Secret Chat-Click-Screen
3. If you select a person to have a secret chat with from the friend list, a secret chat room will open as shown below.

KakaoTalk-Secret Chat-Screen
3. Uncover KakaoTalk Secret Chat
Let’s learn more about KakaoTalk’s secret chat.

KakaoTalk-Secret Chat-Photo-Camera-Screen
In KakaoTalk’s secret chat room, you can add current albums and upload photos taken with the camera. To put it simply, you can only send and receive photos in secret chat rooms.

KakaoTalk-Secret Chat-Example-Screen
Also, KakaoTalk secret chat is only available in the mobile version, and PC KakaoTalk is not currently supported.

KakaoTalk secret chatting can be used not only as a 1:1 chat room, but also as a group secret chat room by adding additional contacts.

KakaoTalk-Secret Chat-Public Key-Menu
KakaoTalk-Secret Chat-Public Key-Image
You can see a menu called ‘Public Key’ in KakaoTalk secret chat room settings. If you press the public key, you will see an image like the picture on the right. That image is the public key image. You can check whether the secret chat room has been opened normally by checking whether the other party has the same public key image as you. To put it simply, if you are in the same secret chat room, you must have the same public key image as the other person.


In addition, since KakaoTalk Secret Chat is a function that strengthens user information protection, messages cannot be previewed through push messages. Also, you cannot copy or share any messages in the secret chat room.