쿠팡 배송조회 Coupang Invoice Number Search Method

Coupang Invoice Number Search Method Summary
[My Coupang] > [Order List] > [Delivery Tracking] > [View Details]

쿠팡 배송조회

When delivery begins, the waybill is registered and can be checked. 쿠팡 배송조회

Real-time location and estimated time of arrival are also displayed in the detailed view.


Coupang Invoice Number Search Method 비지니스헬퍼
1. Launch the Coupang app.


2. Click [My Coupang] at the bottom right.


3. Select [Order List].


4. Press [Delivery Tracking] and select [View Details] at the bottom right.


If you enter the detailed view, you can search the waybill number, and you can check the real-time location and estimated arrival time of the product.


* In the case of the waybill number, it is registered only after delivery begins.


* The estimated arrival time of rocket delivery can be confirmed on the day of arrival.


Coupang direct delivery inquiry
Unlike rocket delivery, direct delivery from a company delivers goods by a general courier company.


It usually arrives 1-2 days later than rocket shipping.


You can also check the invoice number using the invoice number inquiry method introduced above for direct delivery by the company. If you access the Coupang gls website and enter the invoice number, you can immediately inquire the courier.


Coupang real-time location check
You can check the real-time location together with the method of checking the waybill number introduced above.

If it is past the estimated time of arrival, you can request real-time location confirmation through the customer center.


1. Select [My Coupang] at the bottom right.


2. Press the [Customer Center] menu.


3. Press [Consultation] and select [1:1 chat consultation].

Coupang Counseling is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, so you can receive counseling even on Saturdays, Sundays or public holidays.


4. Select [I have an inquiry about the product I ordered] and select the product you want to know the real-time location of.


5. Request real-time location confirmation.


Coupang delivery driver phone number
1. In the case of rocket delivery by Coupang Man, the phone number of the delivery driver is unknown.

Inquiries should be directed to the Coupang Customer Center.


2. If the product is delivered by a general courier company, such as cj Korea Express, you can call the delivery driver.

Select [My Coupang] > [Order List] > [Delivery Tracking] > [Courier Driver] to call the delivery driver.