털린 내 정보 찾기 바로가기 및 사용방법 Shortcut to find my stolen information and how to use it

The Personal Information Protection Commission and the Korea Internet & Security Agency collaborated to launch the ‘Find My Hairy Roots’ service on November 16th. Literally, it is a service that informs you of the leaked history by simply entering your account information such as your ID/password used online.

털린 내 정보 찾기

털린 내 정보 찾기

The Personal Information Commission and the Korea Development Institute are said to have utilized 4 billion cases of domestic account information and Google password diagnosis service illegally distributed on voice sites such as the dark web that they secured in November last year.


I will leave a review after using it, saying that it is worth seeing, so if you are reading this article, please check it out for yourself. (Shortcuts)






1. How to use the information search service

2. After checking the website I signed up for, withdraw membership

3. Organize


1. How to use the information search service


1) Inquiry method


Official website access – User authentication – Leakage inquiry – Result information in order


It proceeds in the above way. I tried it myself.


Click Inquiry on Leakage Status on the main screen, and then check Notices, Personal Information Collection and Use Consent.


Then proceed with mail authentication for user authentication.


Enter your frequently used ID and password to check if it has been leaked.


Fortunately, it has been confirmed that there is no leakage history of the three frequently used IDs.


In addition to this, if you use the e-Privacy Clean Service, which allows you to check at once whether you are a member of a website you are not using and even withdraw from membership, you can delete information at once. (Shortcuts)




2. After checking the website I signed up for, withdraw membership


1) Inquiry method


This is the main screen.

Click Unsubscribe from website.


It is a service that proceeds in the above order and handles the withdrawal process. As a promotion, you can withdraw from numerous shopping malls that you signed up for once, and from many websites that you do not use and do not even remember.


After going through the authentication process, your identity verification data is retrieved. It takes a bit of time when there are many service users, but the search is usually completed within 1 minute.


2) Result screen


10 places where you can apply for membership withdrawal

45 places where you cannot apply for membership withdrawal


Query is complete. Why is it impossible to apply for membership withdrawal?


Websites that do not collect personal information or that cause disadvantages (such as financial damage) when you withdraw from membership, you must directly withdraw from the website.


Among the places where withdrawal is possible, select the place where you want to withdraw and click the Apply button above to proceed with the withdrawal process.


If you verify your e-mail address, the application for withdrawal agency processing will be completed.


It’s a very easy and simple system, so I hope many people will check it out.



3. Organize


The more websites you sign up for, the higher the chance that your personal information will be leaked. Therefore, please use the two sites introduced above to check whether there has been a leakage of personal information, and reduce the probability of leakage of personal information by checking the sites you are currently registered for and unsubscribing from all sites you are not using.