토스 비상금대출 Toss Bank emergency loan application method and application qualifications

토스 비상금대출: You can apply through a smartphone mobile app.
Go to Toss Bank Emergency Loan Application (Google Play)
Go to Toss Bank emergency loan application (App Store)

: [Customers who can subscribe to Seoul Guarantee Insurance’s personal finance credit insurance without employment or income restrictions]
1. Loan limit
: Emergency loan minimum of 500,000 won ~ maximum of 3 million won

2. Loan period
: Emergency fund loan – lump sum repayment at maturity: 1 year (extendable up to 10 years in 1-year increments)

3. Repayment method
: Lump sum repayment at maturity – Interest is paid monthly on the loan amount during the loan period, and the full amount is repaid at maturity.
※ During the loan period, you can repay and reuse the loan at any time within the loan limit. If you do not extend the loan, the loan balance and any unpaid interest at the time of repayment will be repaid at the end of the loan period (maturity date).

4. Costs borne by the customer
: doesn’t exist

5. Early repayment penalty
: exemption

6. Documents confirming qualification criteria
: doesn’t exist

7. Application time available
: 24 hours a day, 365 days a year (however, loan execution may be restricted from 23:30 to 00:30 due to system inspection by affiliated institutions)
: Emergency fund loan – minimum 5.90% per annum ~ maximum 15.00% per annum (as of May 11, 2023)

☞ Interest rates change over time, so please click below to check the actual period.

Go to check real-time interest rate information

※ Loan interest rate = base interest rate + additional interest rate for each customer
※ Since the base interest rate changes on a one-year cycle, the loan interest rate does not change during the loan period, and even when maturity occurs, the change cycle returns, so the loan interest rate is changed in conjunction with the base interest rate at that time.
※ Additional interest rates for each customer are applied differently depending on the bank’s internal credit rating, loan period, etc.

☞ If there is an unpaid amount as of the monthly payment date, overdue interest accrues as follows.
: During the overdue period – loan interest rate + 3% per year

ㅇ When taking out a new loan, designate the automatic transfer date (payment date) as the desired date and pay on the relevant date every month. It is not possible to change the payment date during the loan period.
※ However, if you designate a day other than the new date, payment may be made immediately on the return date, so please be sure to check the first payment date notified when applying for a loan.
ㅇ Loan interest is automatically withdrawn from your automatic transfer account on the monthly interest payment date (the next business day if it is a holiday). If the payable amount is insufficient, overdue interest may accrue, so deposit the repayment funds on the relevant day or repay directly through the app (also available on holidays) )You can
ㅇ Loans may not be available or may be limited depending on the bank’s screening criteria, credit evaluation results, etc., and loan conditions such as loan limit and loan interest rate may vary.

ㅇ When applying for a loan, the customer’s credit information inquiry history is provided to the credit information company, and depending on the individual’s credit status, it may affect the loan review of other financial institutions. Additionally, when the loan is issued, the customer’s debt level and credit status are determined. Your credit score may drop depending on

ㅇ If the loan amount is excessive compared to the repayment ability, your personal credit score may fall, and if your personal credit score falls, you may be disadvantaged in financial transactions.

ㅇ In the case of the lump sum repayment method at maturity, a delinquent interest rate is applied to the loan balance, and there may be disadvantages during financial transactions depending on the registration of delinquent information.

ㅇ Part of the loan may be repaid depending on the results of the period extension review based on the individual’s personal information and credit rating. If the period extension is rejected, the loan balance and all unpaid interest must be repaid.

ㅇ If delinquency continues for more than a certain period of time, an obligation may arise to repay all principal and interest before the expiration of the contract period, and depending on the delinquency period, delinquency information, etc. may be provided in accordance with the Act on Use and Protection of Credit Information and the General Credit Information Management Regulations. If you are registered, you may be subject to disadvantages during financial transactions.

ㅇ General financial consumers have the right to receive an explanation of this loan product pursuant to Article 19, Paragraph 1 of the Financial Consumer Protection Act. Please read the product description and terms and conditions before concluding a contract.

☞ Good article to read together

Toss Bank Emergency Loan Application Overview

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