휴일지킴이약국 30,000 miles to the pharmacy during the Lunar New Year holidays… Yumyeong Office Holiday Keeper Pharmacy – Asia Economy

휴일지킴이약국Entered2018.02.17 18:22

On the 17th, the last day of the Lunar New Year holiday, the Holiday Keeper Pharmacy in Jung-gu, Seoul is operating normally. (Photo = Reporter Seung-jin Lee)

[Asian Economy Reporter Seung-jin Lee] “I felt like I was in trouble, so I went to the Holiday Keeper Pharmacy, but it was closed.”
Ms. Lee (59), who lives in Daedeok-gu, Daejeon, went out to find a holiday pharmacy (on-duty pharmacy) in her neighborhood at 9pm on the 16th, Lunar New Year’s Day, but had to turn away. After checking on the Holiday Keeper Pharmaceutical International website (www.pharm114.or.kr), she went to find it, but it was closed. Mr. Lee complained, “The other pharmacy is too far away, a 30-minute walk away, so I don’t know what they’re going to do if they register it as an on-duty pharmacy and it doesn’t open.”
The Holiday Keeper Pharmacy is not operating properly during the Lunar New Year holiday, and local residents are increasingly complaining. The holiday keeping pharmacy is a system that allows pharmacies to open on a rotating basis on holidays and has been in effect since 2007. However, since there is no enforcement, there are many cases where even if a pharmacy is designated as a holiday keeping pharmacy, it does not keep the designated business hours or does not operate at all.
As a result of inspecting three holiday keeper pharmacies in Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul on the 15th, one of them was not open for business. Another location, the Holiday Pharmacy, stated on its website that it would be open until midnight, but the pharmacy was closed down at 10 p.m. The pharmacist at the pharmacy explained, “They said they would be open until midnight, but in reality pharmacists are free. Since the Lunar New Year holiday has begun, there are no people passing by on the streets and only a few customers come to the pharmacy, so there is no reason to keep it open anymore.”
Additionally, since 2012, it has become possible to purchase over-the-counter medications at convenience stores, etc., and the number of pharmacies that are not open on holidays has increased. Pharmacists say that operating holiday pharmacies has become more frustrating since the law was revised. On the 17th, a pharmacist who was running a holiday guard pharmacy in Jung-gu, Seoul said, “If it is not a pharmacy located near a hospital, the types of medicines people look for are obvious. Digestives and painkillers are equally available at convenience stores, so only two or three people use them on holidays.” “There are times when I have to go to a pharmacy, so it’s a burden to operate,” he said.
Meanwhile, citizens were divided between opinions that the holiday keeping pharmacy should be enforced by force and opinions that it should be left to autonomy as is currently the case. Mr. Kang (34), an office worker, said, “It is natural to follow the existing system,” and added, “There is a need to impose more enforcement, such as imposing penalties if the system is violated.” On the other hand, office worker Lee (33) said, “If I’m really sick, most people will go to the hospital,” and “In other cases, most prescription medications can be purchased at convenience stores, so forcing pharmacies to operate on holidays seems a bit excessive.” did.
Reporter Seungjin Lee promotion2@asiae.co.kr <ⓒEconomic content platform for investors, Asia Economy (www.asiae.co.kr) Reproduction and distribution prohibited>
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