2024 싸이 흠뻑쇼 티켓팅 총정리 및 꿀팁 2024 PSY Soak Show Ticketing Summary and Tips

This is Psy’s concert that comes every summer. It is expected that they will sell out at the speed of light this year as well. Let’s learn about how to pre-order Psy’s Show 2024 and how to reserve tickets through Interpark.

흠뻑쇼 티켓팅

흠뻑쇼 티켓팅

Psy Soak Show 2024 Ticket Sale
Psy Soak Show 2024 Ticket Sale
1. Psy Soak Show 2024 pre-order method
Tickets for Psy’s Show 2024 are available for pre-sale. NFT pre-sale begins at 12pm on June 10th.

General reservations go on sale at Interpark Ticket from 8 p.m.

Below is the pre-order method for Psy Show 2024 tickets.

1) Preparation for pre-sale
1. Access the Upbit NFT marketplace and purchase Cy NFT.

2. Sign up for soPSYety membership.

3. Log in to Upbit.

4. Link Upbit account with soPSYety’s MY PAGE (authentication period renewal)

5. Prepare an Interpark account in the name of the PSYger NFT holder


Go to Upbit NFT



Go to soPSYety

2) Pre-sale application period
May 31, 2024 (Friday) 14:00 ~ June 4 (Tuesday) 12:00 PM

3) How to apply for pre-sale
1. Click the [Apply for Advance Ticket] button at the bottom of the Advance Ticket application screen.
2. Check the maximum number of tickets available for application
3. Enter your name (must be the same as PSYger NFT holder name and Interpark account name)
4. Enter the desired pre-sale quantity for each performance city.
5. Agree to use personal information and confirm choices
6. Click the [Apply for advance ticket] button
7. After final confirmation of the application details, click the [Apply] button (additional applications or modifications are absolutely not possible after the application is completed)

Apply for advance ticket


2. Psy Drunk Show 2024 Interpark ticket reservation
You can reserve tickets for Psy’s Show 2024 through Interpark Ticketing. The reservation schedule has not been set yet. I will post again when information becomes available.

Interpark ticket reservation tips and know-how
Let’s take a look at some useful tips to successfully reserve tickets at Interpark for Psy’s Show 2024.

Please find out in advance when reservations will open and wait in advance at that time.
Use a PC rather than a cell phone.
It is best to do this at home or in an office with fast internet.
If the number of people waiting does not decrease, try reconnecting quickly.
Connect using any available means, such as multiple computers or cell phones, and make a reservation by going to the reservation site first in a place with few people waiting.

So far, we have learned about the Psy Show 2024 advance reservation method, schedule, Interpark ticket reservation method, and reservation tips (know-how).

Successfully purchase your tickets and have a nice summer!