신한카드 해지 Simple cancellation with Shinhan Card credit/debit card app

using a credit or debit card
For any reason, the simplest payment method
It may be because

Not only that, but it may also be because of points or discounts that can be obtained by using them. 신한카드 해지

If you are no longer using it, you must remove it. The reason is that, in the case of a credit card, an annual fee or service fee is charged regardless of whether it is used or not.

신한카드 해지
Today’s topic is about how to cancel through the Shinhan Card Customer Center, but this is not the only way.

If you are using the app separately, you can cancel the card by accessing the app and then going to the My Information Management screen from the My screen. If you do not use the app, the best way is to use the customer center.

We have a number of dedicated departments, such as a lost call center that contact you when you lose your card.

The contact number for Shinhan Card Customer Center is . 이베이스매뉴얼

If you are a customer, you can use it without additional authentication because you have registered mobile phone information.

When you make a call, it goes directly to the ars screen you see these days. Since the desired item is not confirmed in the visible ars, it is better to use the pressing ars rather than the visible ars.

After selecting an individual member, if you press the speed dial number 8, you can choose whether to cancel one card or all cards by card. If you are not sure, you should dial 0 to connect with a counselor to inquire.

Perhaps because of the recent Shinhan Card theft accident, when I called around 3pm, it took more than 20 minutes to connect with a counselor, so it was not easy to connect.

If you tried to connect frequently but it was difficult to connect to a Shinhan Card agent, it is better to avoid Monday, which is the day after a weekend like today. And try to call in the morning rather than in the afternoon.

One thing to note is that if you have points, it is better to use them up in advance, and if there is an automatic payment connected to the card, if you cancel it, it may become unpaid or overdue. good.

I found out how to cancel through the Shinhan Card customer center. Even if it is a debit card, a credit card may not be able to be made again in the future because it is a card that can be made based on creditworthiness.

However, if you keep it alive even if you don’t use it, it’s better to get rid of it because you will have to pay for it with a Shinhan card.