토스프라임 혜택 How to reduce Toss Prime price and apartment management fee!

I’m moving into an apartment and it’s very expensive to manage. I was trying to get some benefits while paying the management fee. I have received various benefits, but I finally found the best one and posted it.

If you use a credit card, you can get better benefits, but I have a separate card.. Instead, I use Toss Prime. I don’t know if the Tos Prime benefits are good, but when I use it to pay the apartment management fee, the synergy doubles, so it’s really good. 토스프라임 혜택

Toss Prime is a membership service launched by Toss, similar to Naver membership. The price of Toss Prime is 5,900 won per month. I just have to pay this. There’s no reason not to.

토스프라임 혜택
To put it simply, Toss Prime is a service that gives you 6% points when you pay with Toss. See the detailed benefits. 이베이스매뉴얼

If you look at the Tos Prime benefits in detail, you can earn 6% when paying at 1,000 affiliated stores, duplicate card benefits, and withdraw points at any time without commission.

Also, when you sign up for Toss Prime, Toss Securities offers a free domestic stock fee, but you don’t really need this, right? I’ve never seen anyone using Toss Securities, so I can get a variety of benefits. Actually, what I noticed is that the apartment management fee payment is included in the affiliate store.


Most apartment maintenance costs exceed 200,000 won, so even if you only receive 6%, you can earn 12,000 won. The monthly fee is 5,900 won, but if you pay the apartment management fee alone, you can save 12,000 won? Does it make sense? Signed up right away.

If the apartment is registered in Apartment I, it will be linked directly in Toss. Good / If the apartment management fee does not exceed 200,000 won, famous platforms such as Baedal Minjok are all affiliated stores, so I think you can use it there.

Paying the management fee is also really easy, so you can make a payment with one click. I think it would be good to check the point accumulation of 12,000 won and pay here.

It was confirmed that 12,000 won of toss points were accumulated as cash back for apartment management fee. It is a bit inconvenient to use when paying even if points are accumulated, but Revolution Toss understands what the consumer wants and withdraws it immediately. I tried to withdraw money directly to see if it was withdrawn immediately.

I signed up for Toss Prime at the price of 5,900 won, paid the apartment management fee, and received the benefits and succeeded in withdrawing 12,000 won. I succeeded in copying money while paying the apartment maintenance fee.

The apartment maintenance fee is paid monthly, so the benefits must be consistent. Toss Prime benefits are paid monthly, which is good. I think it would be good to receive the Tos Prime benefit of the apartment management fee that you have to pay anyway next month and to copy the money of 6,100 won.

I think the benefits will increase little by little like Naver membership later, but if you can receive 12,000 won in cash back by paying the management fee and receive additional benefits, it will be a really good paid platform.