크린토피아 영업시간 Cleantopia business hours price list

크린토피아 영업시간Cleantopia Cleantopia operates from 9:30 – 20:00 on weekdays and from 9:30 – 18:00 on Saturdays. Cleantopia operates in a way that laundry is consigned to a factory rather than a laundromat that does laundry on its own. In general, Cleantopia, which has one in each neighborhood, is in the form of leaving the … Read more

크린토피아 영업시간 Cleantopia business hours

Cleantopia business hours information These days, there are a lot of single households living alone, so there are a lot of products for single households, such as household goods and food. Think about it. There are various laundry facilities in my neighborhood, and among them, there is a laundry service facility called Cleantopia that allows … Read more