연말정산 환급금 조회방법 Check the year-end tax adjustment refund method and payment date.

연말정산 환급금 조회방법   Office workers expect a refund of how much they will receive when they settle their accounts at the end of the year.It is also called the 13th month’s salary because the money to be returned is sometimes called the 13th month salary.There are many ways to save taxes to make money, … Read more

청년내일채움공제 중도해지 Summary of the termination and qualification requirements of youth workers tomorrow’s deduction.

청년내일채움공제 중도해지   These days, the government provides a variety of harms to young people in their 20s and 30s. Until recently, many people wanted to sign up for youth savings, and the government provided them with Many people are interested in the benefits of young people.   To briefly explain the youth savings, you … Read more

범용 공인인증서 발급 방법 credit bank system How to get a general public certificate.

범용 공인인증서 발급 방법   Hello. Today, I will post about how to get a general public certificate (joint certificate). 1. How to obtain a general public certificate 2. General Public Certificate How to use both mobile phone and PC The second semester of the credit bank system began today, September 1st. You can also … Read more

노인돌봄 생활지원사 What are the salary conditions and working hours of life support for the elderly?

노인돌봄 생활지원사   In nursing homes, caregivers take care of the elderly, and the disabled receive care services from activity supporters.Life support is a workforce that takes care of the elderly living alone who live alone and cannot be cared for because they do not receive long-term care grades.Existing life managers and elderly caregivers were … Read more

국민건강보험 환급금 National Health Insurance refund

Apply before the paid national health insurance fund expires Health insurance premiums, which are automatically deducted every month, take up a fairly large portion of your monthly salary. Recently, health insurance premiums have risen, so the small salary just feels less. But did you know that you can get a refund for your national health … Read more

파킹통장 추천 Parking bankbook Interest rate comparison 10, Parking bankbook recommendation (latest)

파킹통장 추천   Parking accounts that earn interest even if you leave it for a day are popular these days.In a situation where our economy is frozen as much as the frozen weather, parking accounts, which ordinary people can easily withdraw money and receive a lot of interest, are in the spotlight rather than tying … Read more

파킹통장 금리비교 Parking bankbook Interest rate comparison 10, Parking bankbook recommendation (latest)

파킹통장 금리비교   Parking accounts that earn interest even if you leave it for a day are popular these days.In a situation where our economy is frozen as much as the frozen weather, parking accounts, which ordinary people can easily withdraw money and receive a lot of interest, are in the spotlight rather than tying … Read more