크린토피아 영업시간 Cleantopia business hours

Cleantopia business hours information

크린토피아 영업시간

These days, there are a lot of single households living alone, so there are a lot of products for single households, such as household goods and food. Think about it.

There are various laundry facilities in my neighborhood, and among them, there is a laundry service facility called Cleantopia that allows self-washing.

I sometimes use Cleantopia, which has such service facilities, for large laundry such as blankets, but I sometimes went in vain because I didn’t know the business hours.


First, search for Cleantopia on the portal site and access the homepage. If you look at the top menu on the main page, there are laundry service, coin laundromat, start-up information, user information, store search, etc. If you click on the store search menu, you can search for over 2,700 stores nationwide. 크린토피아 영업시간

Click Store Locator to find the business hours of Cleantopia in the area you want. In addition, the services provided may vary by store, but there are laundry convenience stores that wash laundry, coin laundromats that allow self-laundry, and unmanned laundry services where you can leave and pick up your laundry. 좋은뉴스


To search for business hours of Cleantopia across the country, click on the Store Locator menu, select Integrated Search, and enter the desired region in the search box. For example, if you want to find Cleantopia in Jeongja-dong, Suwon, enter Jeongja-dong in the search box and click Search to find the address of Cleantopia open in Jeongja-dong.


If you click the address part here, you can check more details. You can check information such as phone number, business hours, and service contents. Looking at the business hours of Cleantopia in Jeongja-dong, Suwon that I searched for, it says that it is open from 9:30 am to 20:00 pm on weekdays and from 10:00 am to 18:00 pm on weekends… It comes to location.


When I searched, there were so many stores, but for those who often use laundry services, it would be really convenient to have a service facility like this close to home.